Connecting PyMC3 to external code - help with understanding Theano custom Ops

Hi! I’m new to PyMC3 and Theano, and hope you can help me with implementing a model that I’m struggling with. I think I’m misunderstanding something fundamental about Theano.

I am trying to use PyMC3 to sample a chisquare function to fit a model with some parameters to a data set. My chisquare calculation involves calls to an external program. Therefore, during each chisquare evaluation, I need to write the current parameters to file and call the external program. Following the PyMC3 docs, I have tried to implement this using a custom Theano Op:

It works fine in the chisquare evaluation itself (in the perform() method of the Theano Op class). However, in the grad() method I run into trouble. When I try to write the contents of the input argument to file, it gives an error because the input is not a numpy array, but a Theano tensor. I see in the Theano docs ( that this is how it’s meant to be:

For perform(), “inputs is a list of references to data which can be operated on using non-symbolic statements, (i.e., statements in Python, Numpy).”

While for grad(), “It takes two arguments inputs and output_gradients which are both lists of symbolic Theano Variables and those must be operated on using Theano’s symbolic language.”

My question is how to write inputs to file from inside the grad() method. What I’ve done so far is very hacky: I use a shared variable to keep the gradient, and update it every time perform() is called. Then grad() simply returns the current value of the shared variable. But I’m scared of this “solution”, because I suppose I can’t assume that perform() is always called with the same parameters right before grad()

Any help is greatly appreciated!

So for the grad() you are also calling an outside program to compute it? Not sure if that’s allow in theano.

Thanks for the reply! Yes, the gradient also depends on information from the external program.

Why wouldn’t Theano allow that, if the functions themselves are allowed to call external programs? I would think it’s usually the case that the gradient has similar dependencies as the function. But Theano is still very much a black box to me.

Can you think of any workaround?

@aseyboldt @ferrine any idea?

Hi, you need 2 Ops, first for forward, 2d for backward.

Good example is
Eigh forward
Eigh backward

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Thank you so much! I am new to this way of thinking (and the terminology), so please bear with me: “forward” means the function itself, and “backward” is its gradient? At first I got confused and wondered if you meant the “upper” and “lower” assignments in the example, but I gather those are just details specific to that problem.

I should be able to implement this without too much rewriting! Thanks again!

Hi, did you ever manage to implement what you wanted? I’d be interested in seeing what you did if possible?


I did, actually. But then the project stopped for other reasons, so I haven’t looked at it in a while. Going back to it now, I see that I have a program that works (i.e. it runs, and passes all numerical gradient tests), but is rather ugly. Stripping it down to something I’m comfortable with posting publicly would take a bit of work, but if you like I could send it to you privately? Then maybe you can make a minimal working example to post here :slight_smile:


Great. If you could send if to me privately that would be really nice. If you just google Matt Pitkin University of Glasgow you’ll find my email address easily.

@jorgenem. I’m facing the same problem with implementing the gradient in Ops. Would you be able to send me a copy too?

Of course. Send me your email in a direct message, and I’ll email the both of you!

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In case it is of general interest, I’ve taken the example that @jorgenem sent me and created a blog post that tries to show a worked example of using a likelihood that is defined by an external code in PyMC3. If anyone spots any problems with my example please let me know.


This is amazing thank you! Would you be interested in contributing to the pymc3 doc?

@junpenglao Yes, I’d be happy to put this in a form that could go in the pymc3 docs. Should I just fork the pymc3 github repo, add the notebook to docs/source/notebooks and submit a PR?

Yes, we will comment on the PR re formatting and where to index it to the website etc :wink:

Great work, @mattpitkin!

I know this is an old topic, but I’m trying to implement the grad method of a Theano Op whose perform method returns a vector, not a scalar. More specifically, the Op operates on a dataset that can have one or more rows and it returns a single value for each row of the dataset (i.e., the output is an Mx1 matrix given an MxN input dataset). The Jacobian in this case will have M rows and P columns, where P is the number of variables in the model.

In my problem, I have a single variable and the dataset has 53 rows and 1 column. I’ve tried a bunch of different things, but I can’t get it to work. It keeps complaining the my input size is 1 (i_shape) and the gradient has a size of 53 (t_shape) in the theano/ file.

Here’s some code:

def grad(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
    (theta,) = inputs
    J = self.model_grad(theta)
    return [[0], grad_outputs)]

where self.model_grad calls the gradients function that @mattpitkin explained. Any suggestions? Note that I’m not implementing a log-likelihood Op that returns a single value given a dataset. I want my Op to return one output per row of a dataset.

Additional information:

  • The main Op class has
itypes = [tt.dvector]
otypes = [tt.dvector]
  • The gradient Op class has
itypes = [tt.dvector]
otypes = [tt.dmatrix]

I finally got it to work with:

def grad(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
    (theta,) = inputs
    J = self.model_grad(theta)
    return [, J)[0]]

Maybe I don’t fully understand how this method works. The code above returns a tensor with a single element, but I thought it should’ve returned a vector.

At first glance that seems like it’s just returning the first element of the vector that you actually want (, J) )? Hopefully someone else can answer that.

My main reason for chiming in is that I recently wrote an Op that sounds similar to what you’re trying to do so thought I’d share. In my case, I have trained a neural network so solve an ODE at N time points and I need the gradient of each of these points w.r.t. the model parameter \theta (1-dimensional). So my perform method is returning a vector like yours is. Admittedly I couldn’t figure out why my gradient Op needed to output just a scalar, but my PyMC3 model seems to work fine and recover the true (known) parameters in the posterior so I think it’s correct? ¯\(ツ)

Here’s my Op:

# Define the Theano Op for computing the gradient w.r.t. theta 
class ODEGradop(Op):

    itypes = [tt.dscalar, tt.dvector] # First input is theta, second is for gradient
    otypes = [tt.dscalar] # I'm not sure why this is a scalar but it makes my code work :)

    def __init__(self, pydens_model, t_obs):
        self.pydens_model = pydens_model

        # Setup the input for the neural net
        self.t_comp = np.stack([t_obs, np.zeros_like(t_obs)]).T
        self.theta_comp = np.stack([np.zeros_like(t_obs), np.ones_like(t_obs)]).T

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        theta, g  = inputs
        nn_input = self.t_comp + theta*self.theta_comp
        result = np.float64(np.squeeze(self.pydens_model.solve(nn_input, fetches="dxdalpha")))
        outputs[0][0] =, g)

# Define the Theano Op for querying the solution of the ODE for any input theta 
class ODEop(Op):

    itypes = [tt.dscalar]
    otypes = [tt.dvector]

    def __init__(self, pydens_model, t_obs):
        self.pydens_model = pydens_model
        self.t_obs = t_obs
        # Setup the input for the neural net
        self.t_comp = np.stack([t_obs, np.zeros_like(t_obs)]).T
        self.theta_comp = np.stack([np.zeros_like(t_obs), np.ones_like(t_obs)]).T

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        theta, = inputs
        nn_input = self.t_comp + theta*self.theta_comp
        result = np.float64(np.squeeze(self.pydens_model.solve(nn_input)))
        outputs[0][0] = result

    def grad(self, inputs, output_grads):
        x, = inputs
        g, = output_grads
        grad_op = ODEGradop(self.pydens_model, self.t_obs)
        grad_op_apply = grad_op(x, g)

        return [grad_op_apply]

Thanks! “Good” to know I’m not the only one confused by this! :slight_smile: Yeah, it also seems to be working for me, but I don’t understand why. If the output of the main Op's perform is a vector, then the output of its grad should be a matrix, unless I’m missing something.

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