The following model runs for me without issue:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytensor
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pymc as pm
from pymc.model.transform.optimization import freeze_dims_and_data
from pymc_extras.statespace.models.utilities import make_default_coords
from pymc_extras.statespace.core import PyMCStateSpace
class SpringModel(PyMCStateSpace):
def __init__(self, dt=1, n_timesteps=100, estimate_force=False):
# defines the "shape" of the matrices & vectors
k_states = 2 # size of the state vector x
k_posdef = 0 # number of shocks (size of the state covariance matrix Q)
k_endog = 1 # number of observed states
self.dt = dt
self.n_timesteps = n_timesteps
self.estimate_force = estimate_force
super().__init__(k_endog=k_endog, k_states=k_states, k_posdef=k_posdef)
def make_symbolic_graph(self):
# sets the matrix & vector values
x0 = self.make_and_register_variable("x0", shape=(2,))
P0 = self.make_and_register_variable('P0', shape=(2, 2))
self.ssm['initial_state_cov'] = P0
ar_params = self.make_and_register_variable("ar_params", shape=(2,)) # [w, a]
sigma_x = self.make_and_register_variable("sigma_x", shape=())
self.ssm["design", 0, 0] = 1
self.ssm["obs_cov", 0, 0] = sigma_x**2
self.ssm["initial_state", :] = x0
self.ssm["transition", :, :] = np.eye(2)
self.ssm["transition", 0, 1] += self.dt
self.ssm["transition", 1, 0] -= self.dt*ar_params[0]**2
self.ssm["transition", 1, 1] -= self.dt*2*ar_params[1]
# version 2: explicitly declaring the size of the time dimension
S_I = pt.zeros((self.n_timesteps, self.k_states))
if self.estimate_force:
forcing = self.make_and_register_variable("forcing", shape=(self.n_timesteps,))
S_I = S_I[:, 1].set(self.dt*forcing)
S_I = S_I[:, 1].set(self.dt)
self.ssm["state_intercept"] = S_I
def param_names(self):
params = ["x0", "P0", "ar_params", "sigma_x"]
if self.estimate_force:
params += ['forcing']
return params
def state_names(self):
return ['x1', 'x2']
def shock_names(self):
return []
def observed_states(self):
return ['x1']
def coords(self):
return make_default_coords(self)
dt = 0.1
N = 100
data = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=pd.RangeIndex(N), columns=['x1'])
sm = SpringModel(dt=dt, n_timesteps=N, estimate_force=True)
with pm.Model() as pymc_mod:
x0 = pm.Normal("x0", mu=3, sigma=0.25, shape=(2,))
P0_diag = pm.Gamma('P0_diag', alpha=2, beta=1, shape=(2,))
P0 = pm.Deterministic('P0', pt.diag(P0_diag))
ar_params = pm.Gamma("ar_params", alpha=2, beta=0.5, shape=(2,))
sigma_x = pm.Exponential("sigma_x", 1)
# Random walk prior on forcing term
forcing = pm.Normal('forcing', 0, 0.1, shape=(N,)).cumsum()
sm.build_statespace_graph(data=data, mode="JAX")
idata = pm.sample(
nuts_sampler_kwargs={"backend": "jax", "gradient_backend": "jax"}
Your first error is a sampling error. It is likely because you did not define P0
, so the kalman filter estimate covaraince was being initialized as the zero matrix.
The second error is a numba error. It was reported here. You can fix it by downgrading to numba==0.60.0
or waiting a couple days until we increase the version pin to pytensor on pymc (it’s already fixed in pytensor).