How to set up a custom likelihood function for two variables

Thanks for the response. However, I still encountered some errors. I took the method like you suggested, but get a error like this:

CustomizablePickler(buffer, self._reducers).dump(obj)

AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'likelihood.<locals>.obs'

Here is my complete code.

# Underlying parameters for prior 1
sigma_1 =  0.49786792462
mu_1 = 0.510236734833

# Underlying parameters for prior 2
sigma_2 = 0.62667474617
mu_2 = 0.169577686173

# Physical properties
# Unit as default(KG)
k_1 = 29.7*10**(6)
k_2 = 29.7*10**(6)

m_1 = 16.5*10**(3)
m_2 = 16.1*10**(3)

# Frequency observations
fm_1 = 3.13
fm_2 = 9.83 
with pm.Model() as model:    
    theta_1 = pm.Lognormal('theta_1', mu=mu_1, sd=sigma_1)
    theta_2 = pm.Lognormal('theta_2', mu=mu_2, sd=sigma_2) 

    def likelihood(theta_1,theta_2):        
        def obs(f):
            a = m_1*m_2
            b = m_1*k_2*theta_2+m_2*k_2*theta_2+m_2*k_1*theta_1
            c = theta_1*theta_2*k_1*k_2
        # Contour parameter
            i0 = 9
            f_1_square = (b-tt.sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)/(4*np.pi**2)
            f_2_square = (b+tt.sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)/(4*np.pi**2)
            return tt.exp(-2**(i0-2)*((f_1_square/f[0]**2-1)**2+
        return obs

    like = pm.DensityDist('like', likelihood(theta_1,theta_2), observed=[fm_1,fm_2])

    start = pm.find_MAP(model = model)
    step = pm.Metropolis()
    trace = pm.sample(10000,step=step,start=start)


Another potential method seems not working as well. Still only sampling from prior, likelihood function doesn’t play a role at all. As this whole posterior can be integrated, the marginalized distribution of theta_1 should have two peaks, which is not in my script.

def likelihood(theta_1, theta_2, fm_1, fm_2):
    a = m_1*m_2
    b = m_1*k_2*theta_2+m_2*k_2*theta_2+m_2*k_1*theta_1
    c = theta_1*theta_2*k_1*k_2

# Pattern parameter
    i0 = 9
    f_1_square = (b-tt.sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)/(4*np.pi**2)
    f_2_square = (b+tt.sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)/(4*np.pi**2)

    return tt.exp(-2**(i0-2)*((f_1_square/fm_1**2-1)**2+

with pm.Model() as model: 
    theta_1 = pm.Lognormal('theta_1', mu=mu_1, sd=sigma_1)
    theta_2 = pm.Lognormal('theta_2', mu=mu_2, sd=sigma_2)             
    like = pm.Potential('like',likelihood(theta_1,theta_2,fm_1,fm_2))