Need help drawing a RV from a custom prior function

If I understand correctly the log-probability of your modified exponential distribution is

\log\circ p(r|L)=2\log(r) - \frac{r}{L} - 3\log(L) - \log(2).

So your code could be

import pymc3 as pm

def custom_lpdf(L):
    def lpdf(r):
        return (2*pm.math.log(r)) - (r/L) - (3*pm.math.log(L)) - pm.math.log(2)
    return lpdf

with pm.Model() as model:
    r = pm.DensityDist('r', custom_lpdf(2), testval=1)
    trace = pm.sample()

The drawn samples can then be found in trace['r']. But in my test, this produced a lot of divergent samples, which may introduce a bias in your results. You can fix that by telling the Hamilton-Monte-Carlo-Sampler to sample its values in a transformed space, where the derivatives are nicer, by writing

import pymc3 as pm

def custom_lpdf(L):
    def lpdf(r):
        return (2*pm.math.log(r)) - (r/L) - (3*pm.math.log(L)) - pm.math.log(2)
    return lpdf

with pm.Model() as model:
    r = pm.DensityDist('r', custom_lpdf(2), testval=1,
    trace = pm.sample()

If you want to read about divergent samples this may be a good starting point:

Edit: @junpenglao beat me to it^^

Edit2: Changed -2 to -pm.math.log(2) as @ojhall94 pointed out correctly. Note, that this constant should not matter and can probably be omitted.