Out of sample/model predictions in hierarchical model with new observed data

@JAB Please see below for a “version” of your problem, where I do not observe divergences when sampling - while keeping the ability to “use small groups”.

import arviz as az
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm

def generate_data(lower: int = 5, upper: int = 100, num_groups: int = 100):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(98)

    # Number of observations per group
    n_obs = pm.draw(pm.DiscreteUniform.dist(lower=lower, upper=upper), num_groups, random_seed=rng)

    # Random means
    individual_means = pm.draw(pm.Normal.dist(mu=2, sigma=3), len(n_obs))

    # Data
    return pd.DataFrame({
        "data": np.concatenate([pm.draw(pm.Normal.dist(mu=mu, sigma=3), n) for mu, n in zip(individual_means, n_obs)]),
        "idx": np.concatenate([[ii] * n for ii, n in enumerate(n_obs)]),
        # "n_obs": np.concatenate([[n] * n for n in n_obs])

def make_model(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pm.Model:
    with pm.Model(coords={"idx": frame["idx"].unique()}) as model:
        # Data
        g = pm.Data("g", frame["idx"].to_numpy())
        y = pm.Data("y", frame["data"].to_numpy())

        # Population mean
        mu = pm.Normal("mu", 0., 5.)
        # Across group variability of the mean
        tau = pm.HalfNormal("tau", 3.)
        # Population standard deviation
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", 3.)

        # Group specific mean
        mu_g = pm.Normal("mu_g", mu=mu, sigma=tau, dims="idx")
        # Group specific standard deviation
        sigma_g = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_g", sigma=sigma, dims="idx")

        # Likelihood
        pm.Normal("y_obs", mu=mu_g[g], sigma=sigma_g[g], observed=y)
        return model

def make_model_predict(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pm.Model:
    with pm.Model(coords={"idx": frame["idx"].unique()}) as model:
        # Data
        g = pm.Data("g", frame["idx"].to_numpy())

        # Population mean
        mu = pm.Normal("mu", 0., 5.)
        # Across group variability of the mean
        tau = pm.HalfNormal("tau", 3.)
        # Population standard deviation
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", 3.)

        # Group specific mean
        mu_g_new = pm.Normal("mu_g_new", mu=mu, sigma=tau, dims="idx")
        # Group specific standard deviation
        sigma_g_new = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_g_new", sigma=sigma, dims="idx")

        # Likelihood
        pm.Normal("y_obs", mu=mu_g_new[g], sigma=sigma_g_new[g])
        return model

if __name__ == "__main__":
    frame = generate_data()
    model = make_model(frame)
    with model:
        trace = pm.sample()
    summary = az.summary(trace, var_names=["mu", "tau", "sigma"], round_to=4).loc[:, ["mean", "hdi_3%", "hdi_97%", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "r_hat"]]

    frame = generate_data(num_groups=10)
    model = make_model_predict(frame[["idx"]])
    with model:
        ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, var_names=["y_obs"])
        y_pred = pd.Series(
            data=ppc.posterior_predictive["y_obs"].mean(("chain", "draw")).to_numpy(),

I also used a solution for out of sample predictions with a hierarchical model that is essentially suggested here.

The key point is that when you predict on previously unseen groups you can utilise the posterior of the population parameters (mu, tau, sigma), but as there is no information on the specific latent parameters of each group (mu_g and sigma_g) they will simply be sampled from their priors, i.e. pm.Normal("mu_g_new", mu=mu, sigma=tau) and pm.HalfNormal("sigma_g_new", sigma=sigma). The nice thing about those priors is: they are now informed by the posterior of the population parameters.

Also note: We’re using the trace of the “inference model” to “feed” a posterior sample of the population paramerers. There are also samples of group specific parameters (mu_g, sigma_g) in that trace object. So we need to make sure that our “prediction model” does not contain any variables with the same name. If that were the case then sample_posterior_predictive would try to use these samples for the unseen groups, which would be conceptually wrong - we don’t have any observations to inform mu_g and sigma_g for new groups. Technically it would probably result in some shape related error unless the number of groups (and group labels) would stay identical.

Finally ppc.posterior_predictive["y_obs"].mean(("chain", "draw")) averages the posterior predictive draws of “y_obs” for each sample in the input - at least that is how I understand the syntax, but I am not 100% certain, maybe @ricardoV94 or @jessegrabowski could chime in here to clarify.

Disclaimer: I am still learning about hierarchical modelling and how to best use pymc to work with hierarchical models, so any comments and corrections from more seasoned “veterans” are very welcome.