Poor Accuracy of ADVI for Linear Regression

Your ADVI has not converged, there are some flat gradient makes the training difficult when the ELBO gets to ~2000. Your plot is still on a crazy scale - limit it to between [-5000, 0] and you will see the ELBO is still decreasing.

I am currently doing:

with regression_model:
    apprx = pm.fit(50000, method='advi', obj_n_mc=25,

And the ELBO of the last 40000 iteration looks like this:

The saddle point of this model is just crazy.

A closer look shows some paramters are on a different scale compared to the others, and the gradient just propagates slowly there.


{'sigma_log__': array(4.25433834),
 'w': array([ 12.20237742,   3.06760075,  47.48649899,  36.56623474,
         18.55803309,  12.2358095 , -24.81552255,  27.37072583,
         46.02615981,  25.88801179, 145.41653368])}
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