Pymc on AWS Sagemaker Studio

Promising update…documented progress here so far.

Trying to solve the C-API warning after doing “pip install `pymc>=5” on the Base Python 3.0 image.

Read through this: WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.-------->HELP! - #10 by karimkhani
Tried modified versions of what lucianopaz and Lukebetham suggest in this thread.

First, did “pip install numpy scipy mkl”
Second, do “apt-get update” and “apt-get install libopenblas-dev”
The suggested “sudo” command does not work on my Sagemaker Studio terminal.

Then, I can restart the kernal and import pymc without any warnings!

I don’t yet know if the apt-get commands can be automated with a scheduled Sagemaker Studio job. pip installs definitely can by putting “%pip install” in the notebook itself, but the apt-get commands fail that way. I only know to run them by clicking “Launch Terminal in current Sagemaker Image”, which may or may not be automatable. I will find out…