WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.-------->HELP!

Hi @Nandita_Khetan. The first warning is telling you that theano will run slower because it did not find some libraries installed that help it go faster. You can get these in different ways depending on your operating system and on how you installed theano and pymc3. Are you using windows, mac or another unix operating system? Did you install pymc3 using conda or pip?

The second warning is nothing to be alarmed about. The model’s logp in pymc3 gets compiled by theano. This happens a few times while preparing for sampling. This compilation happens mostly in parallel but there’s a point at which a single process is allowed to be running the compilation (compilelock). When that happens, the other processes have to wait in a queue for the others to finish, and print out the warning you see.