What is an inconsistent graph?

That definitely sounds like a substantial issue. I don’t have a CustomDist, and I am not explicitly using anything called Scan. Maybe seeing the model code will give you some ideas.

    params = {}
    coords = {"health_authority": data["HA"]}
    with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:

        scanners = pm.Geometric("scanners", p=0.9, observed=data["count_scanners"])

        params["β[fte|pop,scanners]"] = pm.Exponential("β[fte|pop,scanners]", lam=1)
        fte = pm.Exponential(
            lam=1 / (params["β[fte|pop,scanners]"] * norm_lha_pop_size * scanners),

        params["β[vol|pop]"] = pm.Exponential(
            "β[vol|pop]", lam=1, dims="health_authority"
        params["γ[vol|pop]"] = pm.Exponential(
            "γ[vol|pop]", lam=1
        params["β[vol]"] = pm.Exponential("β[vol]", lam=1)
        volume = pm.Poisson(
            mu=np.abs((params["γ[vol|pop]"] + params["β[vol|pop]"]) * norm_lha_pop_size + params["β[vol]"]),

Only thing that comes to mind off the top of my head, although I don’t know how relevant it is, is that one of the health authorities in coords has only a single observation. Maybe the slope will be poorly-identified.