A bug with Binomial on non-scalar arguments?


What about a model factory approach? A model factory function could create a backwards version of the model, with a binomial tensor tied to an observation, and also a forwards version of the model, with a deterministic that uses a theano binomial to simulate:

if direction == 'backward':
    won = pm.binomial('won', n=foo, p=bar, observed=observed_won)
elif direction == 'forward':
    won = deterministic('won', self._rng.binomial(n=foo, p=bar))
    raise Error(f'Bad direction: {direction}')

Then the approach you explained elsewhere could be employed:

with backward_model:
    df = pm.trace_to_dataframe(
        forward_trace, varnames=[...], include_transformed=True) 
    ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(
        trace=df.to_dict('won'), samples=len(df))

Will this approach work?