I am using PyMC for the first time and this is my model:
with pm.Model() as model:
**p1 = pm.Uniform('parameter1', lower=1, upper=100)**
**p2 = pm.Uniform('parameter2', lower=0.01), upper=1)**
**value=model_function(p1, p2)**
**likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=value, sigma=0.01, observed=observed_data)**
**trace = pm.sample(5000,tune=800,chains=4,cores=4,target_accept=0.95)**
My questions comes from the fact that in the function model_function I need the current values of p1 and p2 (meaning, the values that are being sampled at each draw). This is because I am writing each of them in another program in C that has to run and return the values to be compared with the observed_data. So, is that possible? Can I access each value for p1 and p2 that is being used to provide it to my other program?