I am noticing some strange behaviour when trying to use aesara.scan
with uniform random variables. For example consider this contrived example to randomly add one or two to the previous value in a sequence. (Note I seemed to need the at.ones_like
to avoid in the switch statement to avoid a AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'type'
def func(switcher, prev):
offset = pm.math.switch(
pm.math.lt(switcher, 0.5),
2 * at.ones_like(prev),
return prev + offset
with pm.Model() as model:
switcher = pm.Uniform("switcher", lower=0, upper=1, shape=2)
result, updates = aesara.scan(
outputs_info={"initial": at.ones_like(1.0, dtype="float64")},
pm.Normal("output", mu=result, sigma=0.01)
trace = pm.sample()
Why has the distribution over switcher
been altered to be either between 0 and 0.5 or 0.5 to 1?? If I comment out the pm.Normal(...)
line I get the expected distribution from 0 to 1…what is scan
doing to meddle with this?