I have an old blogpost. It features a pretty plot.
Here’s the code of the model:
with pm.Model() as mod:
intercept = pm.Normal("intercept", 0, 2)
time_effect = pm.Normal("time_weight_effect", 0, 2, shape=(4,))
diet = pm.Categorical("diet", p=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], shape=(4,),
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", 2)
sigma_time_effect = pm.HalfNormal("time_sigma_effect", 2, shape=(4,))
weight = pm.Normal("weight",
mu=intercept + time_effect.dot(diet.T)*df.time,
sd=sigma + sigma_time_effect.dot(diet.T)*df.time,
trace = pm.sample(5000, chains=1)
Here’s the traceplot:
This chart is very pretty. In fact … it’s beautiful! It detects the different slopes and has a different color per diet. It makes it very easy to compare! I recall making this with the builting plot_traceback
from PyMC3.
The world has moved on and plotting is now done via Arviz. This is all well and good but when I try to make a traceplot it looks different.
It’s no longer doing the pretty grouping. Does anybody know if that is still possible?