I am working on a custom hit-and-run sampling algorithm for distributions with polytope support. I would love to use Arviz to explore the results, but I run into the same underflow error for every result I try to analyse. My algorithm outputs an InferenceData
object called infdat
and the first thing I would like to do is to check the traces of the chains. I am first analysing a small model with one variable with six coordinates.
Dimensions: (chain: 4, draw: 5000, theta_id: 6)
* chain (chain) int32 0 1 2 3
* draw (draw) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999
* theta_id (theta_id) <U6 'B_svd0' 'B_svd1' 'B_svd2' ... 'B_svd4' 'v2_xch'
Data variables:
param (chain, draw, theta_id) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.7464 1.29 0.4459
created_at: 2023-07-06T09:44:13.653841
arviz_version: 0.12.1
When I now try to plot the traces with az.plot_trace(infdat)
, I get the following error:
FloatingPointError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [114], line 1
----> 1 az.plot_trace(
2 infdatt.posterior,
3 plot_kwargs={'bw': 'scott'},
4 )
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\traceplot.py:260, in plot_trace(data, var_names, filter_vars, transform, coords, divergences, kind, figsize, rug, lines, circ_var_names, circ_var_units, compact, compact_prop, combined, chain_prop, legend, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, hist_kwargs, trace_kwargs, rank_kwargs, labeller, axes, backend, backend_config, backend_kwargs, show)
257 backend = backend.lower()
259 plot = get_plotting_function("plot_trace", "traceplot", backend)
--> 260 axes = plot(**trace_plot_args)
262 return axes
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\backends\matplotlib\traceplot.py:288, in plot_trace(data, var_names, divergences, kind, figsize, rug, lines, circ_var_names, circ_var_units, compact, compact_prop, combined, chain_prop, legend, labeller, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, hist_kwargs, trace_kwargs, rank_kwargs, plotters, divergence_data, axes, backend_kwargs, backend_config, show)
286 aux_plot_kwargs = dealiase_sel_kwargs(plot_kwargs, compact_prop_iter, sub_idx)
287 aux_trace_kwargs = dealiase_sel_kwargs(trace_kwargs, compact_prop_iter, sub_idx)
--> 288 ax = _plot_chains_mpl(
289 ax,
290 idy,
291 value[..., sub_idx],
292 data,
293 chain_prop,
294 combined,
295 xt_labelsize,
296 rug,
297 kind,
298 aux_trace_kwargs,
299 hist_kwargs,
300 aux_plot_kwargs,
301 fill_kwargs,
302 rug_kwargs,
303 rank_kwargs,
304 circular,
305 circ_var_units,
306 circ_units_trace,
307 )
308 if legend:
309 handles.append(
310 Line2D(
311 [],
315 )
316 )
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\backends\matplotlib\traceplot.py:488, in _plot_chains_mpl(axes, idy, value, data, chain_prop, combined, xt_labelsize, rug, kind, trace_kwargs, hist_kwargs, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, rank_kwargs, circular, circ_var_units, circ_units_trace)
486 aux_kwargs = dealiase_sel_kwargs(plot_kwargs, chain_prop, chain_idx)
487 if not idy:
--> 488 axes = plot_dist(
489 values=row,
490 textsize=xt_labelsize,
491 rug=rug,
492 ax=axes,
493 hist_kwargs=hist_kwargs,
494 plot_kwargs=aux_kwargs,
495 fill_kwargs=fill_kwargs,
496 rug_kwargs=rug_kwargs,
497 backend="matplotlib",
498 show=False,
499 is_circular=circ_var_units,
500 )
502 if kind == "rank_bars" and idy:
503 axes = plot_rank(data=value, kind="bars", ax=axes, **rank_kwargs)
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\distplot.py:233, in plot_dist(values, values2, color, kind, cumulative, label, rotated, rug, bw, quantiles, contour, fill_last, figsize, textsize, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, contour_kwargs, contourf_kwargs, pcolormesh_kwargs, hist_kwargs, is_circular, ax, backend, backend_kwargs, show, **kwargs)
230 backend = backend.lower()
232 plot = get_plotting_function("plot_dist", "distplot", backend)
--> 233 ax = plot(**dist_plot_args)
234 return ax
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\backends\matplotlib\distplot.py:92, in plot_dist(values, values2, color, kind, cumulative, label, rotated, rug, bw, quantiles, contour, fill_last, figsize, textsize, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, contour_kwargs, contourf_kwargs, pcolormesh_kwargs, hist_kwargs, is_circular, ax, backend_kwargs, show)
89 plot_kwargs.setdefault("color", color)
90 legend = label is not None
---> 92 ax = plot_kde(
93 values,
94 values2,
95 cumulative=cumulative,
96 rug=rug,
97 label=label,
98 bw=bw,
99 quantiles=quantiles,
100 rotated=rotated,
101 contour=contour,
102 legend=legend,
103 fill_last=fill_last,
104 textsize=textsize,
105 plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs,
106 fill_kwargs=fill_kwargs,
107 rug_kwargs=rug_kwargs,
108 contour_kwargs=contour_kwargs,
109 contourf_kwargs=contourf_kwargs,
110 pcolormesh_kwargs=pcolormesh_kwargs,
111 ax=ax,
112 backend="matplotlib",
113 backend_kwargs=backend_kwargs,
114 is_circular=is_circular,
115 show=show,
116 )
118 if backend_show(show):
119 plt.show()
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\plots\kdeplot.py:270, in plot_kde(values, values2, cumulative, rug, label, bw, adaptive, quantiles, rotated, contour, hdi_probs, fill_last, figsize, textsize, plot_kwargs, fill_kwargs, rug_kwargs, contour_kwargs, contourf_kwargs, pcolormesh_kwargs, is_circular, ax, legend, backend, backend_kwargs, show, return_glyph, **kwargs)
267 else:
268 bw = "experimental"
--> 270 grid, density = kde(values, is_circular, bw=bw, adaptive=adaptive, cumulative=cumulative)
271 lower, upper = grid[0], grid[-1]
273 if cumulative:
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:502, in kde(x, circular, **kwargs)
499 else:
500 kde_fun = _kde_linear
--> 502 return kde_fun(x, **kwargs)
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:588, in _kde_linear(x, bw, adaptive, extend, bound_correction, extend_fct, bw_fct, bw_return, custom_lims, cumulative, grid_len, **kwargs)
585 grid_counts, _, grid_edges = histogram(x, grid_len, (grid_min, grid_max))
587 # Bandwidth estimation
--> 588 bw = bw_fct * _get_bw(x, bw, grid_counts, x_std, x_range)
590 # Density estimation
591 if adaptive:
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:157, in _get_bw(x, bw, grid_counts, x_std, x_range)
150 raise ValueError(
151 "Unrecognized bandwidth method.\n"
152 f"Input is: {bw_lower}.\n"
153 f"Expected one of: {list(_BW_METHODS_LINEAR)}."
154 )
156 bw_fun = _BW_METHODS_LINEAR[bw_lower]
--> 157 bw = bw_fun(x, grid_counts=grid_counts, x_std=x_std, x_range=x_range)
158 else:
159 raise ValueError(
160 "Unrecognized `bw` argument.\n"
161 "Expected a positive numeric or one of the following strings:\n"
162 f"{list(_BW_METHODS_LINEAR)}."
163 )
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:81, in _bw_experimental(x, grid_counts, x_std, x_range)
79 """Experimental bandwidth estimator."""
80 bw_silverman = _bw_silverman(x, x_std=x_std)
---> 81 bw_isj = _bw_isj(x, grid_counts=grid_counts, x_range=x_range)
82 return 0.5 * (bw_silverman + bw_isj)
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:73, in _bw_isj(x, grid_counts, x_std, x_range)
70 k_sq = np.arange(1, grid_len) ** 2
71 a_sq = a_k[range(1, grid_len)] ** 2
---> 73 t = _root(_fixed_point, x_len, args=(x_len, k_sq, a_sq), x=x)
74 h = t**0.5 * x_range
75 return h
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:261, in _root(function, N, args, x)
259 while not found:
260 try:
--> 261 bw, res = brentq(function, 0, 0.01, args=args, full_output=True, disp=False)
262 found = res.converged
263 except ValueError:
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\scipy\optimize\_zeros_py.py:783, in brentq(f, a, b, args, xtol, rtol, maxiter, full_output, disp)
781 if rtol < _rtol:
782 raise ValueError("rtol too small (%g < %g)" % (rtol, _rtol))
--> 783 r = _zeros._brentq(f, a, b, xtol, rtol, maxiter, args, full_output, disp)
784 return results_c(full_output, r)
File C:\Miniconda3\envs\sumo\lib\site-packages\arviz\stats\density_utils.py:238, in _fixed_point(t, N, k_sq, a_sq)
235 a_sq = np.asfarray(a_sq, dtype=np.float64)
237 l = 7
--> 238 f = np.sum(np.power(k_sq, l) * a_sq * np.exp(-k_sq * np.pi**2 * t))
239 f *= 0.5 * np.pi ** (2.0 * l)
241 for j in np.arange(l - 1, 2 - 1, -1):
FloatingPointError: underflow encountered in exp
How can I plot traces without KDE plots on the side? Alternatively, how can I get the KDE stuff to work? Last, can I just use histograms for these variables instead of KDE? I tried instructing arviz to use histograms in the trace_plot
via the plot_kwargs
argument, but this failed and again gave the above error.
Some observations I have made that might help thinking about this:
worksaz.plot_density(infdat, bw='scott')
works, which makes me think that I should be able to somehow instructplot_trace
to use āscottā to do the KDE (using theplot_kwargs
for this fails and gives me the exact same error as above)- Even for chains with only 4 draws the KDE fails, which is still in the warmup phase of the chain, thus making it unlikely that we are drawing values from a very tight posterior region.
- The KDE fails for every single variable individually, which is odd since some variables are numbers between 0 and 1 and others are variables and others lie together in a polytope
I have now noticed I also get underflow errors for az.plot_ppc(infdat, data_pairs={"observed_data": "simulated_data"})
. Can I somehow just get histogrammed plots for continuous variable, since I think that will have fewer numerical issues than using KDE everywhere.