Hello, by running the code below multiple times, all things fixed, it can either compile successfully (mostly when we limit the size of train), or sometimes it triggers a ValueError: Bad initial energy: inf, or a ValueError: Bad initial energy: nan.
Here is the code:
train = df.head(100)
with pm.Model() as model:
BoundedNormal = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=-10, upper=10)
theta_sd = pm.InverseGamma('theta_sd', alpha=1 + 50, beta=2 + 50)
theta_not_centered = BoundedNormal('theta_not_centered', mu=0, sd=theta_sd,
theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', theta_not_centered - tt.mean(theta_not_centered))
alpha = pm.Lognormal('alpha', mu=0.5, sd=1, shape=100)
beta_not_centered = BoundedNormal('beta_not_centered', mu=0, sd=1,
beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', beta_not_centered - tt.mean(beta_not_centered))
lesson_not_centered = BoundedNormal('lesson_not_centered', mu=0, sd=1, shape=400)
lesson = pm.Deterministic('lesson', lesson_not_centered - tt.mean(lesson_not_centered))
intercept = BoundedNormal('intercept', mu=0, sd=1)
theta_for_each_rows = theta[list(train['student_code'].values)]
alpha_for_each_rows = alpha[list(train['exercise_with_level_code'].values)]
beta_for_each_rows = beta[list(train['exercise_with_level_code'].values)]
lesson_for_each_rows = lesson[list(train['lesson_code'].values)]
linear_component = alpha_for_each_rows * (theta_for_each_rows - beta_for_each_rows) + lesson_for_each_rows + intercept
proba_without_left_asymptot = pm.Deterministic('proba_without_left_asymptot', pm.math.sigmoid(linear_component))
proba = pm.Deterministic('proba', train['min_success_rate'].values + (
1 - train['min_success_rate'].values) * proba_without_left_asymptot)
result = pm.Bernoulli('result', p=proba, observed=train['correctness'])
trace = pm.sample()
Post on similar subject didn’t help us debug it. Especially, running
for RV in model.basic_RVs:
print(RV.name, RV.logp(model.test_point))
didn’t show unusual values.
Thanks for your help!