Bambi Beta Regression Inference

Thanks for your reply, jessegrabowski

The link would be logit.

As there is no single marginal effect as it depends where on the slope we look at. Thus I would need to consider the other coefficients as well. I currently use a very naive approach (where don’t consider other coefficients bar the intercept) just taking

mean_effect = model_fitted.posterior.data_vars[coef].mean().item()
naive_marginal_effect = expit(intercept + 1*mean_effect) - expit(intercept) #for dummy

Multiple ways to go about it with pros and cons (Econometrics - Marginal Effects for Probit and Logit (and Marginal Effects in R) - YouTube)
-Calculate each observations marginal effect
-Marginal Effect of a Representative: Pick some set of of variables and calculate the marginal effect
-Average Marginal Effect (AME): Calculate each observations marginal effect and take the mean
-Marginal Effect at the Mean (MEM): Calculate the average of each variable (like 25% blonde), then get the marginal effect for some hypothetical observation with those mean values.

I’d prefer AME but I fail to program it correctly let alone efficiently in python. That is why I am asking if there was some resources where it i described to how to do it cleanly in a bambi/pymc3/python way like in the article by Andrew Heiss for R, I linked in the original post.