Best approach for marginalizing predictive posterior on new data

I’m working on a Bayesian model where I have the data model d = y + \epsilon, with \epsilon normally distributed and y = a * sin(x * t). Given data d and t as arrays, I want to calculate the predictive posterior for new data points d^* and t^*through the following marginalization:

p(d^* | d, t^) = \int_a \int_b p(a, b | d) , p(d^ | a, b, t^*) , da , db

Here’s the code I’m using, which samples from the posterior, then loops through d^* and t^* values to compute p(d^* | d, t^*) based on a and b samples. I set up grids over new values of d and t, then compute each likelihood across samples of a and b.

import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numba import njit

x = np.linspace(0, 5, 20)
true_a = 1.0
true_b = 0.9
epsilon_std = 0.1
y_true = true_a * np.sin(true_b * x)
d = (y_true
     + np.random.normal(0, epsilon_std, size=len(x))

with pm.Model() as model:
    # Priors
    beta = pm.Uniform("beta", lower=0, upper=2.0)
    alpha = pm.Uniform("alpha", lower=0.0, upper=2.0)

    # Model equation
    y = alpha * pm.math.sin(beta * x)

    # Likelihood
    Y_obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu=y, sigma=epsilon_std, observed=d)

    # Sampling
    trace = pm.sample(6000,
                      var_names=["alpha", "beta"],

with model:
    # Compute posterior predictive distribution for new x values
                                   var_names=["alpha", "beta"],

alpha_samples = trace.posterior_predictive["alpha"].values.flatten()
beta_samples = trace.posterior_predictive["beta"].values.flatten()

nD = 40
nt = 40

D_lin = np.linspace(-2, 2, nD)
t_lin = np.linspace(0, 5, nt)

dv, tv = np.meshgrid(D_lin, t_lin, indexing='ij')

posterior_D = np.zeros_like(dv)

def prob_observe_datum(D, t, a_array, b_array):
    res = 0.0

    for i in range(len(a_array)):
        a = a_array[i]
        b = b_array[i]
        res = res + np.exp(- (D - a * np.cos(b * t)) ** 2 / (2 * epsilon_std ** 2))

    res /= (len(a_array) * epsilon_std * np.sqrt(2))

    return res

for i in range(nD):
    for j in range(nt):
        D = dv[i, j]
        t = tv[i, j]

        posterior_D[i, j] = prob_observe_datum(D, t, alpha_samples, beta_samples)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4, 3))
axes.contourf(dv, tv, posterior_D)
az.plot_pair(trace, var_names=['alpha', 'beta'], kind='kde', marginals=True)

The results are okay, but I’m curious if there’s a more efficient or straightforward approach to handle this type of marginalization.

Any suggestions on optimizing this, alternative approaches, or thoughts on using different sampling or inference methods are very welcome!