Broadcasting error in set_subtensor


I’m trying to adapt the reinforcement learning model from the tutorial on the pymc website so that it can be used for multiple subjects at the same time.

My inputs are a outcomes matrix of size [n_trials x n_subj x 4] (there are 4 armed-bandit in this specific setup) and the agents responses choices of size [n_trials x n_subj].

def update_belief(choices, outcomes, belief, choice_probs,
                  n_subj, alpha, beta):
    # choices      [n_trials x n_subj]
    # outcomes     [n_trials x n_subj x 4]
    # belief       [n_subj x 4]
    # choice_probs [n_subj x 1]
    c = (choices) * 2       # chosen arm index [0,2]
    nc = (1 - choices) * 2  # not chosen arm index [0,2]

    all_subjs = pt.arange(n_subj)

    choice_probs = pt.set_subtensor(choice_probs[all_subjs,0],
                                    pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,c] - belief[all_subjs,c+1])) 
                                    / (pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,c] - belief[all_subjs,c+1])) 
                                       + pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,nc] - belief[all_subjs,nc+1]))))

    # update beliefs of the chosen arm
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,c:c+2], 
                              # Error here
                              # belief[n_subj x 2] + alpha[n_subj] * (outcomes[n_subj x 2] - belief[n_subj x 2])
                              belief[all_subjs,c:c+2] + alpha[all_subjs] * (outcomes[all_subjs,c:c+2] - belief[all_subjs,c:c+2]))

    # do not update beliefs of the NOT chosen arm
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,nc:nc+2], 

    return belief, choice_probs

choices_ = pt.as_tensor_variable(choices, dtype='int32')   # [n_trials x n_subj]
outcomes_ = pt.as_tensor_variable(outcomes, dtype='int32') # [n_trials x n_subj x 4]

lr = pt.scalar('lr')
bt = pt.scalar('bt')
alpha = lr * pt.ones(shape=n_subj)
beta = bt * pt.ones(shape=n_subj)

beliefs = 0.5 * pt.ones((n_subj,4), dtype='float64')       # [n_subj x 4]
choice_probs_ = 0.5 * pt.ones((n_subj,1), dtype='float64') # [n_subj x 1]

[beliefs_pymc, choice_probs_pymc], updates = scan(
    sequences=[choices_, outcomes_],
    non_sequences=[n_subj, alpha, beta],
    outputs_info=[beliefs, choice_probs_]

pytensor_llik_td = pt.pytensor.function(
    inputs=[lr, bt], outputs=[beliefs_pymc, choice_probs_pymc], on_unused_input="ignore"

When I try to run this code I get the following

Blockquote ValueError: Tensor of type Vector(int32, shape=(10,)) could not be cast to have 0 dimensions

where I do belief = pt.set_subtensor(...) for the first time in update_belief(..).
Here 10 is the n_subj I’m using.
I don’t understand why the shapes are not matching, the subtensor I’m trying to set should have shape [n_subj x 2].

Also, is there a better way to fill a vector of length n_subj with with the inputs to the pytensor.function function?


I managed to solve this issue by using the following code

def update_belief(choices, outcomes, belief, choice_probs,
                  n_subj, alpha, beta):
    c = (choices) * 2       # chosen arm index [0,2]
    nc = (1 - choices) * 2  # not chosen arm index [0,2]

    all_subjs = pt.arange(n_subj)

    # choices      [n_trials x n_subj]
    # outcomes     [n_trials x n_subj x 4]
    # belief       [n_subj x 4]
    # choice_probs [n_subj x 1]
    choice_probs = pt.set_subtensor(choice_probs[all_subjs,0],
                                    pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,c] - belief[all_subjs,c+1])) 
                                    / (pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,c] - belief[all_subjs,c+1])) 
                                       + pt.exp(beta[all_subjs] * (belief[all_subjs,nc] - belief[all_subjs,nc+1]))))

    # update beliefs of the chosen arm
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,c], 
                              belief[all_subjs,c] + alpha[all_subjs] * (outcomes[all_subjs,c] - belief[all_subjs,c]))
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,c+1], 
                              belief[all_subjs,c+1] + alpha[all_subjs] * (outcomes[all_subjs,c+1] - belief[all_subjs,c+1]))

    # do not update beliefs of the NOT chosen arm
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,nc], 
    belief = pt.set_subtensor(belief[all_subjs,nc+1], 

    return belief, choice_probs

I’m quite confused about why using [c:c+2] instead of separate operations cause this issue. Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated!