Hi community,
I am trying to model 5 dependent variables (Observed mean response time comp, Observed mean response time incomp, Predicted mean decision time comp, Predicted mean decision time incomp, Predicted mean nondecision time) using an exponential model with the decay rate (beta) constrained to be identical between dependent variables and priors based on theory :
with pm.Model() as Model_1:
α_meanRT_c = pm.HalfCauchy('α_meanRT_c',2)
α_meanRT_i = pm.HalfCauchy('α_meanRT_i', 2)
α_meanDT_c = pm.HalfCauchy('α_meanDT_c',2)
α_meanDT_i = pm.HalfCauchy('α_meanDT_i', 2)
α_meanTer = pm.HalfCauchy('α_meanTer', 2)
β = pm.Normal('β', 0.334, 0.1)#Kail (1991)
γ_meanRT_c = pm.Normal('γ_meanRT_c', Mean_RT_comp_General[-1], .1)
γ_meanRT_i = pm.Normal('γ_meanRT_i', Mean_RT_incomp_General[-1], .1)
γ_meanDT_c = pm.Normal('γ_meanDT_c', pred_meanDT_comp[-1], .1)
γ_meanDT_i = pm.Normal('γ_meanDT_i', pred_meanDT_incomp[-1], .1)
γ_meanTer = pm.Normal('γ_meanTer', mean_param_per_group_model[-1, 2], .1)
σ_meanRT_c = pm.HalfNormal('σ_meanRT_c', .1)
σ_meanRT_i = pm.HalfNormal('σ_meanRT_i', .1)
σ_meanDT_c = pm.HalfNormal('σ_meanDT_c', .1)
σ_meanDT_i = pm.HalfNormal('σ_meanDT_i', .1)
σ_meanTer = pm.HalfNormal('σ_meanTer', .1)
μ_meanRT_c = α_meanRT_c*pm.math.exp(-β*Age_General) + γ_meanRT_c
μ_meanRT_i = α_meanRT_i*pm.math.exp(-β*Age_General) + γ_meanRT_i
μ_meanDT_c = α_meanDT_c*pm.math.exp(-β*Age_General) + γ_meanDT_c
μ_meanDT_i = α_meanDT_i*pm.math.exp(-β*Age_General) + γ_meanDT_i
μ_meanTer = α_meanTer*pm.math.exp(-β*Age_General) + γ_meanTer
y_meanRT_c = pm.Normal('y_meanRT_c', μ_meanRT_c, σ_meanRT_c, observed=Mean_RT_comp_General)
y_meanRT_i = pm.Normal('y_meanRT_i', μ_meanRT_i, σ_meanRT_i, observed=Mean_RT_incomp_General)
y_meanDT_c = pm.Normal('y_meanDT_c', μ_meanDT_c, σ_meanDT_c, observed=pred_meanDT_comp)
y_meanDT_i = pm.Normal('y_meanDT_i', μ_meanDT_i, σ_meanDT_i, observed=pred_meanDT_incomp)
trace_Model_1 = pm.sample (2000, chains = 4, cores = 4, tune = 2000, target_accept = .95)
I frequently (although not systematically) get chain failures, for example :
RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 110, in run
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 160, in _start_loop
point, stats = self._compute_point()
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 191, in _compute_point
point, stats = self._step_method.step(self._point)
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/arraystep.py", line 247, in step
apoint, stats = self.astep(array)
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/hmc/base_hmc.py", line 130, in astep
File "/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/hmc/quadpotential.py", line 231, in raise_ok
raise ValueError('\n'.join(errmsg))
ValueError: Mass matrix contains zeros on the diagonal.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanTer_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanDT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanDT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanRT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanRT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanTer`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanDT_i`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanDT_c`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanRT_i`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanRT_c`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `β`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanTer_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanDT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanDT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanRT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanRT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
ValueError: Mass matrix contains zeros on the diagonal.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanTer_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanDT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanDT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanRT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `σ_meanRT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanTer`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanDT_i`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanDT_c`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanRT_i`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `γ_meanRT_c`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `β`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanTer_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanDT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanDT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanRT_i_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The derivative of RV `α_meanRT_c_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-5184d81c6fa2> in <module>()
46 y_meanDT_i = pm.Normal('y_meanDT_i', μ_meanDT_i, σ_meanDT_i, observed=pred_meanDT_incomp)
---> 48 trace_Model_1 = pm.sample (2000, chains = 4, cores = 4, tune = 2000, target_accept = .95)
50 folder = Path(r'/gpfs22/home/servanm/enfants/chains/dataset1/Model_1')
/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/sampling.py in sample(draws, step, init, n_init, start, trace, chain_idx, chains, cores, tune, progressbar, model, random_seed, discard_tuned_samples, compute_convergence_checks, **kwargs)
435 _print_step_hierarchy(step)
436 try:
--> 437 trace = _mp_sample(**sample_args)
438 except pickle.PickleError:
439 _log.warning("Could not pickle model, sampling singlethreaded.")
/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/sampling.py in _mp_sample(draws, tune, step, chains, cores, chain, random_seed, start, progressbar, trace, model, **kwargs)
967 try:
968 with sampler:
--> 969 for draw in sampler:
970 trace = traces[draw.chain - chain]
971 if (trace.supports_sampler_stats
/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py in __iter__(self)
392 while self._active:
--> 393 draw = ProcessAdapter.recv_draw(self._active)
394 proc, is_last, draw, tuning, stats, warns = draw
395 if self._progress is not None:
/gpfs22/home/servanm/myenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py in recv_draw(processes, timeout)
295 else:
296 error = RuntimeError("Chain %s failed." % proc.chain)
--> 297 raise error from old_error
298 elif msg[0] == "writing_done":
299 proc._readable = True
RuntimeError: Chain 0 failed.
I am a little stuck here. What is the cause of these failures and what should I do to fix the issue ?
The data, in case somebody would like to replicate the problem:
Age in years
[ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 27]
Observed mean RT comp
[0.82029 0.81442 0.67686 0.60575 0.60129 0.5627 0.52159 0.49382 0.46922
Observed mean RT incomp
[0.88702 0.88427 0.74223 0.64513 0.63799 0.58742 0.55774 0.52565 0.51099
Predicted mean DT comp
[0.2945 0.38196 0.2287 0.18751 0.18723 0.17296 0.15984 0.12904 0.12739
Predicted mean DT incomp
[0.35579 0.43869 0.29425 0.22501 0.22126 0.19745 0.19284 0.16187 0.16684
Predicted mean nondecision time
[0.52991 0.4387 0.44892 0.4197 0.41642 0.3896 0.36394 0.36589 0.34392
0.2829 ]