So I have noticed that the circular
transform provided by PyMC3 has a zero-valued Jacobian. Wouldn’t this pose an issue for differentiation-based inference like NUTS and ADVI?
I recall having had some issues with NaN’s when using a mixture of VonMises distributions (An extended model of the one presented in NaN occured in optimization in a VonMises mixture model), which were solved when I used a mixture of Normals instead.
Could this be the potential cause?
Thank you in advance!
I think we are OK without the jacobian. Intuitively because the transformation is not stretching or compressing anything is just ensuring that any value sampled in R is wrapped back to the unit circle. Is like having periodic boundary conditions. But my intuition could be failing here.
The Jacobian is used to calculate the logp
value of a transformed distribution, here: https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3/blob/bf53d686c829d534a32ef7655e6bed2638d255f4/pymc3/distributions/transforms.py#L53
My guess is that this would give the wrong result when it is constant zero, but I am not completely sure.
Oh, I see that it is only added to the original value, so maybe it does not affect the result when it is 0.
Not to reopen an old thread, but I finally figured out why I misunderstood (now that I am taking a look at transformations again). The calculated value is the logarithm of the absolute value of the Jacobian determinant
. I will make a pull request with some documentation.
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