I’d been studying the concepts of probabilistic programming using Pymc3 in the past couple of week and I have a question on how to implement a particular model, I will describe it next:
I have a set of N data elements, and a matrix NxN defining the interactions between each other of those elements (the matrix is symmetric). I also have a property E for each element, I want to model this property as it follows:
What the model says is that, the energy of a element M is a weighted sum over all the other elements in the data set. The function d(M, M_i) is known ( is the NxN matrix I described before)
I want to model the weights alpha_i and sigma using Bayesian inference.
My try so far goes like this:
indx = np.arange(0, N )
# The index for the N elements
def estimator( alpha ,x , sigma , ):
# My idea is that this estimator returns the estimated value for the energy for a given set alpha, x , and sigma
return T.sum( alpha*T.exp( -1/(2.0*sigma**2 )*x**2 ) )
with pm.Model() as hi_model:
# Positive prior on sigma, N positive priors for the alphas
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy( 'sigma' , beta = 1 , shape = 1 )
alpha1 = pm.HalfCauchy( 'alphas' , beta = 1 , shape = N )
# An error parameter
sigma_e = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_e' , beta = 1 )
tau_e = sigma_e**-2
# The energy estimator build using the function above.
# D2s is an NxN matrix, whose column i is a vector of length N
#representing the interaction of the i element with all the other N elements
energy_est = estimator( alpha1 , D2s[indx] , sigma )
ee = pm.Deterministic( 'muu' , energy_est )
y_like = pm.Normal('y_like', mu= ee , tau=tau_e, observed= energy_smp[:N] )
Pymc3 allow me to build and sample from this model without errors, but I’m not being able to use the sampled alphas an sigma to “predict” the N energies I’m giving as observed, I’m off by many orders of magnitude. So I’m concerned if the model is being understood as I want or if I’m missing something and thats not the way to build this kind of model.
Thanks in advance for the help