What should be the correct implementation for declaring two random variables such that x < y ?
My equation is somewhat like this -
\mu + \gamma_a * (X_a - T )^+ + \gamma_b * (T - X_b)^+
where the ()^+ indicates the value is zero if negative and ensures either of a terms or b terms are selected. Here X_a, X_b both are uniform distributions such that X_a < X_b.
I used the Sampling uniformly in a triangular support example to impose the constraint and my code is as follows –
with pm.Model() as model:
boundedNormal = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower= 0)
Ebase = boundedNormal('Eb', mu = 20 , sd = 20 )
γ_heat = boundedNormal('γ_h', mu = 0, sd = 4)
γ_cool = boundedNormal('γ_c', mu = 0, sd = 4)
the_transform = Composed(pm.distributions.transforms.Interval(32,100), Ordered())
T_setpoint = pm.Uniform('x',
lower = 32,
upper = 100,
shape = 2,
testval=[68, 85])
T_heat = T_setpoint[0]
T_cool = T_setpoint[1]
σ = pm.HalfCauchy('σ', 10)
E_heat = pm.math.switch( T_heat > Td, γ_heat * (T_heat - Td ), 0)
E_cool = pm.math.switch( Td > T_cool, γ_cool * (Td - T_cool), 0)
E = pm.Normal('E', mu = Ebase + E_heat + E_cool, sd = σ, observed = E_tot)