Hello everyone
I have been trying to find a way to do convolution in pymc3 as part of a regression problem. My situation is this, i have a set of data and a function and i want to fit the convolution of those two to an other set of data to obtain the parameters for the function. I have been trying to use numpy.convolve, but it does not seem to work with the functions defined in pymc3 (theano), as it gives a ValueError because i am setting an array element with a sequence. Is there a way to do this type of convolution in theano?
Here is my attempt so far using numpy.convolve
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
from theano.tensor import fft
muJ=np.asarray([-0.03425363, -0.03351397, -0.02664699, -0.02273714, -0.03174768,
-0.03957353, -0.04738784, -0.05586893, -0.06363427, -0.07391645,
-0.08178534, -0.08926872, -0.09593623, -0.09036217, -0.07807825,
-0.06753805, -0.05767188, -0.06243789, -0.06809364, -0.06405182,
-0.06114183, -0.04508844, -0.03290343, -0.02404407, -0.02079736,
-0.03644591, -0.03598996, -0.03445805, -0.03331908, -0.01566788,
-0.01656279, -0.01754197, -0.0130746 , 0.00193958, 0.01056539,
0.01698442, 0.0382919 , 0.05958532, 0.06605687, 0.07316159,
0.07929714, 0.08111757, 0.08236758, 0.08409051, 0.07132862,
0.06410184, 0.06383741, 0.0638774 , 0.06268115, 0.0642296 ,
0.07699274, 0.09465466, 0.10719381, 0.07496593, 0.04823132,
0.02464346, 0.00900288, -0.00262479, -0.01581547, -0.02713472,
-0.04211868, -0.06695968, -0.0843794 , -0.0838455 , -0.09070336,
-0.09610623, -0.09881969, -0.09027169, -0.08033855, -0.06809048,
-0.04661056, -0.01563495, 0.0156263 , 0.03325961, 0.04721029,
0.0665903 , 0.09242785, 0.10892494, 0.12218285, 0.1282392 ,
0.13511139, 0.14373963, 0.15130526, 0.15932193, 0.1431794 ,
0.08651746, 0.06932233, 0.05781805, 0.05321184, 0.04833902,
0.04359331, 0.03972242, 0.03617235, 0.0324834 , 0.04958008,
0.05654622, 0.05459009, 0.07174552, 0.09021518, 0.10966458])
muK = np.asarray([-0.0188423 , -0.01101513, -0.02182555, -0.04066994, -0.0372273 ,
-0.04142979, -0.04643643, -0.05618733, -0.06305947, -0.07055236,
-0.07793845, -0.08585502, -0.06063842, -0.04144011, -0.04482767,
-0.05074738, -0.05828078, -0.06202257, -0.0469031 , -0.03229114,
-0.01682147, -0.00109132, 0.01100408, 0.02217135, 0.00313528,
-0.01391616, -0.02103778, -0.00784842, -0.00958049, -0.00958786,
0.01109297, -0.00763489, -0.02091672, -0.01876265, 0.00469278,
0.0188317 , 0.03078942, 0.04751188, 0.06810743, 0.07498746,
0.08292102, 0.08732753, 0.10046523, 0.11947633, 0.13786948,
0.14400703, 0.13987333, 0.13111406, 0.12287179, 0.11626273,
0.11051379, 0.09606653, 0.03146849, -0.03145527, -0.03731231,
0.05864158, 0.10667121, 0.12383762, 0.11461967, 0.08906796,
0.06559065, 0.04109558, 0.02030753, -0.00256419, -0.02360279,
-0.04425853, -0.07565115, -0.11281323, -0.158842 , -0.15194773,
-0.13758974, -0.12698046, -0.11453399, -0.09043922, -0.06368814,
-0.03801246, -0.01361853, 0.01826796, 0.04772783, 0.0783482 ,
0.10210635, 0.11343715, 0.11997221, 0.12888862, 0.14047052,
0.1510065 , 0.16296829, 0.15034888, 0.12048199, 0.10888384,
0.10030352, 0.09039116, 0.08457157, 0.07565612, 0.06965578,
0.06232899, 0.05684617, 0.07264807, 0.09185271, 0.10704618])
with pm.Model() as convmodel:
# Define priors
sigma_DT=pm.Uniform('sigma_DT', lower=-7.0, upper=2.0)
sigma_AD=pm.Uniform('sigma_AD', lower=-7.0, upper=2.0)
mu_DT=pm.Uniform('mu_DT', lower=2.7, upper=4.0)
mu_AD=pm.Uniform('mu_AD', lower=0.0, upper=2.3)
A_T=pm.Uniform('A_T', lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
T=pm.Uniform('T', lower=1300.0, upper=1700.0)
wav=pm.Uniform('wav', lower=0.0, upper=10000.0)
wav_0=pm.Uniform('wav_0', lower=0.0, upper=10000.0)
index=pm.Uniform('index', lower=0.0, upper=10.0)
sigma=pm.HalfNormal("sigma", sigma=np.sqrt(np.pi/(np.pi-2)))
h = 6.626e-34#Plancks constant
c = 299792458#speed of light
k = 1.38e-23#Boltzmanns constant
a = 2.0*h*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
BB = a/ ( (wav**5) * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) )
exp_DT = -((tt.log(XK_new)-mu_DT)**2/(2*sigma_DT**2))
front_DT = A_T/(XK_new*sigma_DT*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
Psi_DT = BB*front_DT*np.exp(exp_DT)
powr = (wav/wav_0)**(index)
exp_AD = -((tt.log(XK_new)-mu_AD)**2/(2*sigma_AD**2))
front_AD = (1.0-A_T)/(XK_new*sigma_AD*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
Psi_AD = powr*front_AD*tt.exp(exp_AD)
transfer = Psi_DT + Psi_AD
conv= np.convolve(transfer,muJ,'same')
likelihood = pm.Normal('y', mu=conv, sigma=sigma, observed=muK)
tracetransfer = pm.sample(2000)