Correctly applying switchpoint model?

By the way, it’s possible to avoid MH while simultaneously adding some intuition that the change-point will be somewhere “in the middle” of the trend, by using a scaled Beta (nb the hyperprior is enormously helpful for speeding up sampling):

with pm.Model() as switchpoint_model_noMH:
    # Scaled beta mixture "somewhere in the middle" prior
    a = pm.HalfNormal('a_hp', 3.)
    b = pm.HalfNormal('b_hp', 3.)
    sp_latent = pm.Beta('sp_latent', a, b)
    switchpoint = pm.Deterministic('switchpoint', X.min() + (X.max() - X.min()) * sp_latent)

    # Priors 
    beta1_offset = pm.Normal('beta1_offset')
    beta1 = pm.Deterministic("beta1", beta1_offset * 3)
    beta2_offset = pm.Normal('beta2_offset')
    beta2 = pm.Deterministic("beta2", beta2_offset * 3)
    intercept_offset = pm.Normal('intercept_offset', mu=0, sd=1)
    intercept = pm.Deterministic("intercept", intercept_offset * 3)

    std = pm.HalfNormal('std', sd=0.5)

    # Likelihood
    part1 = intercept +, beta1)
    part2 = intercept +, beta1) + \
              , beta2)
    #model = pm.math.switch(, X), part1, part2)
    w = tt.nnet.sigmoid(2*(X-switchpoint))
    model = (1-w)*part1 + w*part2

    y_lik = pm.Normal('y_lik', mu=model, sd=std, observed = Y)
    trace = pm.sample(1000, init='advi+adapt_diag', tune=tune + burn_in, chains=4, cores=3)
    ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, 1000)
