Custom theano Op to do numerical integration

Dear friend,

Thank you very much for your code. I try a simple example to understand the code better. When I use one parameter everything is OK but when I pass two parameters, it doesn’t work. Following you can see my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

from scipy.integrate import quad
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
import numpy as np

class Integrate(theano.Op):
    def __init__(self, expr, var, *extra_vars):
        self._expr = expr
        self._var = var
        self._extra_vars = extra_vars
        self._func = theano.function(
            [var] + list(extra_vars),
    def make_node(self, start, stop, *extra_vars):
        self._extra_vars_node = extra_vars
        assert len(self._extra_vars) == len(extra_vars)
        self._start = start
        self._stop = stop
        vars = [start, stop] + list(extra_vars)
        #vars = list(extra_vars)
        return theano.Apply(self, vars, [tt.dscalar().type()])
    def perform(self, node, inputs, out):
        start, stop, *args = inputs
        val = quad(self._func, start, stop, args=tuple(args))[0]
        out[0][0] = np.array(val)
    def grad(self, inputs, grads):
        start, stop, *args = inputs
        out, = grads
        replace = dict(zip(self._extra_vars, args))
        replace_ = replace.copy()
        replace_[self._var] = start
        dstart = out * theano.clone(-self._expr, replace=replace_)
        replace_ = replace.copy()
        replace_[self._var] = stop
        dstop = out * theano.clone(self._expr, replace=replace_)

        grads = tt.grad(self._expr, self._extra_vars) 
        dargs = []
        for grad in grads:
            integrate = Integrate(grad, self._var, self._extra_vars)
            darg = out * integrate(start, stop, *args)
        return [dstart, dstop] + dargs

y_obs = 8.3

start = theano.shared(1.)
stop = theano.shared(2.)
with pm.Model() as basic_model:
    a = pm.Uniform('a', 1.5, 3.5)
    b = pm.Uniform('b', 4., 6.)

    t = tt.dscalar('t')
    t.tag.test_value = np.zeros(())
    func = t**a + b
    integrate = it.Integrate(func,t,a,b)
    mu = integrate(start,stop,a,b)

    y = pm.Normal('y', mu=mu, sd=0.4, observed=y_obs)
    trace = pm.sample(1500,tune=500, cores=2,chains=2)