Implementing a more sophisticated pymc3 model

Hi, I have worked through the basic Pymc3 tutorials, but now I need some help building something a little bit more sophisticated. I’d like to produce posterior distributions on three variables that are combined to produce a single observable parameter in the following way:

  1. Using the value of one of the variables, I calculate the upper limit of integration by solving a polynomial equation via the bisection method.

  2. I numerically integrate a function that is independent of the variables from 0 to the calculated upper limit.

  3. I multiply the result by powers of each of the variables to produce a rate of observations.

  4. I make 0, 1, 2, … draws from a Poisson distribution with shape parameter of rate*time

In this way I hope to constrain the three variables that make up the rate. How do I implement this second step with pymc3 distributions?

For numerical integration, you should check out the following posts:

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Thanks, I’ll try to implement that and see what problems I run into. Any clue for computing the limit of integration? It amounts to a root-finding problem where the input variable changes the root (and so changes the limit of integration).

Unfortunately, I’m already running into issues - I get AttributeError: module 'theano' has no attribute 'Op' due to the class definition line.

It looks like this is a persistent and fiddly problem - I will ping back here once I’ve resolved it, thanks.

Any clue for computing the limit of integration? It amounts to a root-finding problem where the input variable changes the root (and so changes the limit of integration).

I wrote an implementation of newton’s method in Aesara for a project, you might find it helpful. Basically you need to write a function for one step of your optimizer, then use a scan together with an until condition.

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@junpenglao i’m having some serious problems getting theano working - is there an installation guide somwhere? Following the steps on the theano sphinx page isn’t working and others’ advice is contradictory. Sorry that this isn’t really on-topic.

If following GitHub - pymc-devs/pymc: Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Aesara does not work, could you please open a new topic?

Thanks @junpenglao. I have posted a new topc here where I dump the output from trying to run one of the simple polynomial integrals in the linked thread.