Deterministic values occasionally wrong in idata

I am trying to run a model with an embedded optimizer, but I’m running into (what seems like) a bug where, occasionally, the wrong data is stored in the inference data. My model looks like this:

x = pt.dscalar('x')
y = pt.dscalar('y')
eq1 = x ** 2 + y - 1
eq2 = x - y ** 2 + 1
system = pt.stack([eq1 ,eq2])
jac = pt.stack(pytensor.gradient.jacobian(system, [x, y]))
jac_inv = pt.linalg.solve(jac, pt.identity_like(jac))

f =[x, y], [system])
f_jac_inv =[x, y], [jac_inv])

with pm.Model(coords={'optim_step':np.arange(100), 'params':['x', 'y']}) as m:
    x_val = pm.Normal('x', mu=0, sigma=20)
    y_val = pm.Normal('y', mu=0, sigma=20)
    root, converged, step_size,  n_steps = pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, [x_val, y_val])
    root = pm.Deterministic('root', root, dims=['optim_step', 'params'])
    success = pm.Deterministic('success', converged, dims=['optim_step'])
    n_steps = pm.Deterministic('n_steps', n_steps, dims=['optim_step'])
    step_size = pm.Deterministic('step_size', step_size, dims=['optim_step'])
    idata = pm.sample_prior_predictive()

pytensor_root is a global newton algorithm, here’s the full code that can be copy+pasted to run:

import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pytensor
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import functools as ft

def _newton_step(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol):
    F_X = F(*X)
    J_inv_X = J_inv(*X)
    new_X = X - step_size * J_inv_X @ F_X

    return (X, new_X, F_X)

def no_op(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol):
    return (X, X, X)

def compute_norms(X, new_X, F_X):
    norm_X = pt.linalg.norm(X, ord=1)
    norm_new_X = pt.linalg.norm(new_X, ord=1)
    norm_root = pt.linalg.norm(F_X, ord=1)
    norm_step = pt.linalg.norm(new_X - X, ord=1)

    return norm_X, norm_new_X, norm_root, norm_step

def _check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, tol):    
    new_converged = pt.or_(, tol),, tol))    
    return new_converged

def check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, converged, tol):
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(converged,
                                  _check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, tol))
def check_stepsize(norm_X, norm_new_X, step_size, initial_step_size):
    is_decreasing = pt.le(norm_new_X, norm_X)
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(is_decreasing, 
                                  (is_decreasing, initial_step_size),
                                  (is_decreasing, step_size * 0.5))

def backtrack_if_not_decreasing(is_decreasing, X, new_X):
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(is_decreasing, new_X, X)
def scan_body(X, converged, step_size, n_steps, tol, F, J_inv, initial_step_size):
    out = pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(converged, 
                    no_op(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol),
                    _newton_step(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol))
    X, new_X, F_X = [out[i] for i in range(3)]
    norm_X, norm_new_X, norm_root, norm_step = compute_norms(X, new_X, F_X)
    is_converged = check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, converged, tol)
    is_decreasing, new_step_size = check_stepsize(norm_X, norm_new_X, step_size, initial_step_size)

    new_X = backtrack_if_not_decreasing(is_decreasing, X, new_X)
    new_n_steps = n_steps + (1 - is_converged)
    return new_X, is_converged, new_step_size, new_n_steps

def pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, x0, step_size=1, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8):
    root_func = ft.partial(scan_body, F=f, J_inv=f_jac_inv, initial_step_size=np.float64(step_size))
    converged = np.array(False)
    step_size = np.float64(step_size)
    n_steps = 0
    outputs, updates = pytensor.scan(root_func,
                                     outputs_info=[[x_val, y_val], converged, step_size, n_steps],
    root, converged, step_size, n_steps = outputs
    return root, converged, step_size, n_steps

x = pt.dscalar('x')
y = pt.dscalar('y')
eq1 = x ** 2 + y - 1
eq2 = x - y ** 2 + 1
system = pt.stack([eq1 ,eq2])
jac = pt.stack(pytensor.gradient.jacobian(system, [x, y]))
jac_inv = pt.linalg.solve(jac, pt.identity_like(jac))

f =[x, y], [system])
f_jac_inv =[x, y], [jac_inv])

with pm.Model(coords={'optim_step':np.arange(100), 'params':['x', 'y']}) as m:
    x_val = pm.Normal('x', mu=0, sigma=20)
    y_val = pm.Normal('y', mu=0, sigma=20)
    root, converged, step_size,  n_steps = pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, [x_val, y_val])
    root = pm.Deterministic('root', root, dims=['optim_step', 'params'])
    success = pm.Deterministic('success', converged, dims=['optim_step'])
    n_steps = pm.Deterministic('n_steps', n_steps, dims=['optim_step'])
    step_size = pm.Deterministic('step_size', step_size, dims=['optim_step'])
    idata = pm.sample_prior_predictive()

The reason why I’m thinking it’s a bug is because when I inspect the idata, I’ll have draws that are reported as nothing but the initial value. For example:

    array([[40.95065948,  0.09735453],
           [40.95065948,  0.09735453],
           [40.95065948,  0.09735453],
           [40.95065948,  0.09735453],
           [40.95065948,  0.09735453],
           [40.95065948,  0.09735453],

But if I take this x0 and plug it into pytensor_root manually, the algorithm correctly converges to a root:

x0 = [40.95065948,  0.09735453]
root, converged, step_size, n_steps = pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, x0)

>>Out: array([[-11.17560205,   5.79732092],
>>>           [ -5.52029685,   2.50879961],
>>>           [ -2.7690399 ,   0.90183281],
>>>           [ -1.53747434,   0.15292639],
>>>           [ -1.53747434,   0.15292639],
>>>           [ -1.53747434,   0.15292639],

So I’m not really sure what to make of all this. Obviously this is far from a MRE, but I’m hoping someone else has seen something like this before?

1 Like

Well it wasn’t a bug it was just bad code (as usual). Corrected global newton’s method below the fold in case anyone in the future finds this:

Corrected Code
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pytensor
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import functools as ft

def eval_func_maybe_exog(X, exog, f):
    if hasattr(exog, 'data') and np.isnan(
        out = f(*X)
        out = f(*X, *exog)
    return out

def _newton_step(X, exog, F, J_inv, step_size, tol):
    F_X = eval_func_maybe_exog(X, exog, F)
    J_inv_X = eval_func_maybe_exog(X, exog, J_inv)
    new_X = X - step_size * J_inv_X @ F_X
    F_new_X = eval_func_maybe_exog(new_X, exog, F)
    return (X, new_X, F_X, F_new_X)

def no_op(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol):
    return (X, X, X, X)

def compute_norms(X, new_X, F_X, F_new_X):
    norm_X = pt.linalg.norm(X, ord=1)
    norm_new_X = pt.linalg.norm(new_X, ord=1)
    norm_root = pt.linalg.norm(F_X, ord=1)
    norm_root_new = pt.linalg.norm(F_new_X, ord=1)
    norm_step = pt.linalg.norm(new_X - X, ord=1)

    return norm_X, norm_new_X, norm_root, norm_root_new, norm_step

def _check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, tol):    
    new_converged = pt.or_(, tol),, tol))    
    return new_converged

def check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, converged, tol):
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(converged,
                                  _check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, tol))
def check_stepsize(norm_root, norm_root_new, step_size, initial_step_size):
    is_decreasing =, norm_root)
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(is_decreasing, 
                                  (is_decreasing, initial_step_size),
                                  (is_decreasing, step_size * 0.5))

def backtrack_if_not_decreasing(is_decreasing, X, new_X):
    return pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(is_decreasing, new_X, X)
def scan_body(X, converged, step_size, n_steps, tol, exog, F, J_inv, initial_step_size):
    out = pytensor.ifelse.ifelse(converged, 
                    no_op(X, F, J_inv, step_size, tol),
                    _newton_step(X, exog, F, J_inv, step_size, tol))
    X, new_X, F_X, F_new_X = [out[i] for i in range(4)]
    norm_X, norm_new_X, norm_root, norm_root_new, norm_step = compute_norms(X, new_X, F_X, F_new_X)
    is_converged = check_convergence(norm_step, norm_root, converged, tol)
    is_decreasing, new_step_size = check_stepsize(norm_root, norm_root_new, step_size, initial_step_size)

    return_X = backtrack_if_not_decreasing(is_decreasing, X, new_X)
    new_n_steps = n_steps + (1 - is_converged)
    return return_X, is_converged, new_step_size, new_n_steps

def pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, x0, exog=None, step_size=1, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8):
    root_func = ft.partial(scan_body, F=f, J_inv=f_jac_inv, initial_step_size=np.float64(step_size))
    converged = np.array(False)
    step_size = np.float64(step_size)
    n_steps = 0
    if exog is None:
        exog = pt.as_tensor_variable(np.nan)
    outputs, updates = pytensor.scan(root_func,
                                     outputs_info=[x0, converged, step_size, n_steps],
                                     non_sequences=[tol, exog],
    root, converged, step_size, n_steps = outputs
    return root, converged, step_size, n_steps

x = pt.dscalar('x')
y = pt.dscalar('y')
eq1 = x ** 2 + y - 1
eq2 = x - y ** 2 + 1
system = pt.stack([eq1 ,eq2])
jac = pt.stack(pytensor.gradient.jacobian(system, [x, y]))
jac_inv = pt.linalg.solve(jac, pt.identity_like(jac))

f =[x, y], [system])
f_jac_inv =[x, y], [jac_inv])

with pm.Model(coords={'optim_step':np.arange(100), 'params':['x', 'y']}) as m:
    x_val = pm.Normal('x', mu=0, sigma=20)
    y_val = pm.Normal('y', mu=0, sigma=20)
    root, converged, step_size,  n_steps = pytensor_root(f, f_jac_inv, [x_val, y_val])
    root = pm.Deterministic('root', root, dims=['optim_step', 'params'])
    success = pm.Deterministic('success', converged, dims=['optim_step'])
    n_steps = pm.Deterministic('n_steps', n_steps, dims=['optim_step'])
    step_size = pm.Deterministic('step_size', step_size, dims=['optim_step'])
    idata = pm.sample_prior_predictive()

After fixing it, all prior samples converge to one of the four roots:

>>>Out: (root, x)  (root, y)
>>>     0.000      1.000       157
>>>    -1.000     -0.000       122
>>>     1.618     -1.618       118
>>>    -0.618      0.618       103
Name: count, dtype: int64