Differences between MvNormal and Normal sampling

I’ve been having some issues reproducing the output from my model with a normal univariate prior distribution. In the model, I’m looking to introduce correlation between sate vector parameters in the prior, and so have been attempting to introduce MvNormal with a covariance or precision matrix.

I have noticed that using a prior MvNormal with an identity matrix as covariance (all zero off diagonals) and mu=np.ones(nx) is producing different output from a Normal with mu=1, sig=1, and shape=nx.

Statistically these should be equivalent. Using a NUTS sampler, both models are successfully converging on (slightly) different results (see image). I was wondering if there is a difference in the sampling or the RNG between univariate and multivariate distributions in pymc? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is that difference meaningful or just noise from the randomness in the sampler itself?

I think it was actually an issue with a hyperparameter in the hierarchical model, all seems well. Thanks for replying!

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