I’m implementing a version of the 8 schools model in pymc. The model code and data is available here:
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
N = 50_000
treatment_conversions = np.array([541, 557, 559, 556, 530, 532, 516, 532, 528, 544, 519, 552])
control_conversions = np.array([496, 524, 486, 500, 516, 475, 507, 475, 490, 506, 512, 489])
log_estimated_rr = np.log(treatment_conversions / control_conversions)
sd_log_estimated_rr = 1/treatment_conversions + 1/control_conversions - 2/N
experiment = ["Experiment_{i}" for i in range(treatment_conversions.size)]
with pm.Model(coords={'experiment':experiment}) as model:
mu = pm.Normal('mu',mu=0, sigma=1)
tau = pm.HalfCauchy('tau', 1)
z = pm.Normal('z',0, 1, dims='experiment')
log_RR = pm.Normal('log_RR', mu + tau * z, sd_log_estimated_rr, observed=log_estimated_rr)
with model:
trace = pm.sample(cores=4, chains=4)
This code is taken from the pymc documentation. When I run the model, I’m getting divergences (which is strange because I’ve implemented this with a non-centered parameterization). Indeed, the author(s) of the docs have probably experienced the same thing as they have set their target_accept
to 0.9.
This seems odd. The same model written in stan does not experience any divergences and runs in under a second where as the pymc model runs in ~30 seconds.
import cmdstanpy
model_data= {
'log_estimated_rr': log_estimated_rr.tolist(),
'sd_log_estimated_rr': sd_log_estimated_rr
model_code = '''
// For model fitting
int n; //number of observations in data
vector[n] log_estimated_rr; //log relative lift estimated from each experiment
vector[n] sd_log_estimated_rr; //standard deviation of teh log relative lift estimated from experiemnt
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
vector[n] z;
transformed parameters{
vector[n] true_log_rr = mu + z * tau;
mu ~ std_normal();
tau~ cauchy(0, 1);
z ~ std_normal();
log_estimated_rr ~ normal(true_log_rr, sd_log_estimated_rr);
with open('model.stan', 'w') as file:
model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file='model.stan')
fit = model.sample(model_data)
Is there something I’ve missed? Why might the pymc model be so much slower and lead to divergences, especially when using the suggested non-centered parameterization? An option to rectify the divergences would be to increase target_accept
or use slightly more informative priors (perhaps in tau