Error on running out of sample sampling


I’m trying to run an out of sample test on fitted model. I’m getting the following error:

IncorrectArgumentsError                   Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_27850/ in <module>
     48                        'monthly_m_': test_monthly_fourier,
     49                        'eaches':eaches_test}, model = partial_pooled_model)
---> 50 test_ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, partial_pooled_model)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc/ in sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples, model, var_names, keep_size, random_seed, progressbar, return_inferencedata, extend_inferencedata, predictions, idata_kwargs, compile_kwargs)
   1857     if keep_size and samples is not None:
   1858         raise IncorrectArgumentsError(
-> 1859             "Should not specify both keep_size and samples arguments. "
   1860             "See the docstring of the samples argument for more details."
   1861         )

IncorrectArgumentsError: Should not specify both keep_size and samples arguments. See the docstring of the samples argument for more details.

Here is the model.

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(0))

t = time_idxs/max(time_idxs)

month = pd.get_dummies(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)
sept = np.array(month[9])
march = np.array(month[3])
month = np.array(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_yearly, 12)
monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_monthly, 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(0))
n_changepoints = 8

s = np.linspace(0, np.max(t), n_changepoints+2)[1:-1]

a = (t[:, None] > s)*1

n_components = 10

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

month = pd.get_dummies(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)
sept = np.array(month[9])
march = np.array(month[3])
month = np.array(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_yearly, 12)
monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_monthly, 1)

    "yearly_components": [f'yearly_{f}_{i+1}' for f in ['cos', 'sin'] for i in range(n_yearly)],
    "monthly_components":[f'monthly_{f}_{i+1}' for f in ['cos', 'sin'] for i in range(n_monthly)],
    'changepoints':df_train.index.get_level_values(0)[np.argwhere(np.diff(a, axis=0) != 0)[:, 0]],
    "obs_id":[f'{loc}_{time.year}_month_{time.month}' for time, loc in df_train.index.values]

with pm.Model(coords=coords_) as partial_pooled_model:
    location_idxs = pm.ConstantData('location_idx', location_idxs, dims = 'obs_id')
    t_ = pm.MutableData('t', t)
    a_ = pm.MutableData('a', a)
    s_ = pm.MutableData('s', s)
    yearly_f_ = pm.MutableData('yearly_f_', yearly_fourier)
    monthly_m_ = pm.MutableData('monthly_m_',monthly_fourier)
    sept_month = pm.MutableData('sept_month',sept)
    march_month = pm.MutableData('march_month', march)
    eaches = pm.MutableData('eaches', df_train['eaches'])

    mu_k = pm.Normal('mu_k', 0, 1)
    sigma_k = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_k', 5)
    k = pm.Normal('k', mu_k, sigma_k, dims = 'location')
    mu_m = pm.Normal('mu_m', 0, 1)
    sigma_m = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_m', 5)
    m = pm.Normal('m', mu_m, sigma_m, dims = 'location')
    delta = pm.Laplace('delta', 0, 0.1, dims=['location', 'changepoints'])

    growth = pm.Deterministic('growth', k[location_idxs] + (a_[time_idxs] * delta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    offset = pm.Deterministic('offset', m[location_idxs] + (a_[time_idxs] * -s_[None, :] * delta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    trend = pm.Deterministic('trend', growth[location_idxs] * t_[time_idxs] + offset[location_idxs], dims=['obs_id'])

    yearly_mu = pm.Normal('yearly_mu', 0, 0.1)
    yearly_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('yearly_sigma', sigma=0.1)
    yearly_beta = pm.Normal('yearly_beta', yearly_mu, yearly_sigma, dims=['location', 'yearly_components'])
    yearly_seasonality = pm.Deterministic('yearly_seasonality', (yearly_f_[time_idxs] * yearly_beta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])

    monthly_mu = pm.Normal('monthly_mu', 0, 0.1)
    monthly_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('monthly_sigma', sigma=0.1)
    monthly_beta = pm.Normal('monthly_beta', monthly_mu, monthly_sigma, dims=['location', 'monthly_components'])
    monthly_seasonality = pm.Deterministic('monthly_seasonality', (monthly_m_[time_idxs] * monthly_beta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    sept_mu = pm.Normal('sept_mu', 0, 1)
    sept_sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sept_sigma', 5)
    sept_beta = pm.Normal('sept_beta', sept_mu, sept_sigma, dims = 'location')
    march_mu = pm.Normal('march_mu', 0, 1)
    march_sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('march_sigma', 5)
    march_beta = pm.Normal('march_beta', march_mu, march_sigma, dims = 'location')

    predictions =  pm.Deterministic('predictions', np.exp(trend[location_idxs] + yearly_seasonality[location_idxs]  + monthly_seasonality[location_idxs] + (sept_beta[location_idxs]*sept_month) + (march_beta[location_idxs]*march_month)))

    # error = pm.HalfCauchy('error', 0.5)

               dims = 'obs_id')
    trace = pymc.sampling_jax.sample_numpyro_nuts(tune=2000, draws = 2000)

Here is the code snippet being used to run the out of sample data:

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(0))

t_test = time_idxs/max(time_idxs)

test_month = pd.get_dummies(df_test.index.get_level_values(0).month)
test_sept = np.array(test_month[9])
test_march = np.array(test_month[3])
test_month = np.array(df_test.index.get_level_values(0).month)

test_n_yearly = 10
test_n_monthly = 5

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
test_yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t_test, n_yearly, 12)
test_monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t_test, n_monthly, 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(0))
n_changepoints = 8

s_test = np.linspace(0, np.max(t_test), n_changepoints+2)[1:-1]

a_test = (t_test[:, None] > s)*1

n_components = 10

eaches_test = np.array(df_test['eaches'])

pm.set_data(new_data = {'sept_month':test_sept,
                       'yearly_f_': test_yearly_fourier,
                       'monthly_m_': test_monthly_fourier,
                       'eaches':eaches_test}, model = partial_pooled_model)
test_ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, partial_pooled_model)

I haven’t specified keep or sample sizes so I’m not sure what is throwing this error.

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Hm, that sounds like a bug, but I’d be surprised if that kind of bug slipped through our test pipeline.

Can you reduce the example to something minimal?
What if you don’t use the sampling_jax but regular sampling?

I ran the model with just sample and tried the same out of sample data replacement and got the same results.

Here is a toy data set thanks to @jessegrabowski to see what results you get.

import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np

import pymc.sampling_jax

import aesara
from aesara import tensor as at
import arviz as az

data = stats.poisson(mu=[5,2,1,7,2]).rvs([72, 5]).T.ravel()
dates = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', freq='M', periods=72)
locations = [f'location_{i}' for i in range(5)]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([dates, locations]), columns=['eaches'])
df.rename(columns = {'level_0':'date','level_1':'location'}, inplace=True)
df.set_index(['date', 'location'],inplace=True)
df_train = df.loc[:'2020-12-31',] 
df_test = df.loc['2020-01-31':]

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(0))

t = time_idxs/max(time_idxs)

month = pd.get_dummies(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)
sept = np.array(month[9])
march = np.array(month[3])
month = np.array(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_yearly, 12)
monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_monthly, 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_train.index.get_level_values(0))
n_changepoints = 8

s = np.linspace(0, np.max(t), n_changepoints+2)[1:-1]

a = (t[:, None] > s)*1

n_components = 10

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

month = pd.get_dummies(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)
sept = np.array(month[9])
march = np.array(month[3])
month = np.array(df_train.index.get_level_values(0).month)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_yearly, 12)
monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t, n_monthly, 1)

    "yearly_components": [f'yearly_{f}_{i+1}' for f in ['cos', 'sin'] for i in range(n_yearly)],
    "monthly_components":[f'monthly_{f}_{i+1}' for f in ['cos', 'sin'] for i in range(n_monthly)],
    'changepoints':df_train.index.get_level_values(0)[np.argwhere(np.diff(a, axis=0) != 0)[:, 0]],
    "obs_id":[f'{loc}_{time.year}_month_{time.month}' for time, loc in df_train.index.values]

with pm.Model(coords=coords_) as partial_pooled_model:
    location_idxs = pm.ConstantData('location_idx', location_idxs, dims = 'obs_id')
    t_ = pm.MutableData('t', t)
    a_ = pm.MutableData('a', a)
    s_ = pm.MutableData('s', s)
    yearly_f_ = pm.MutableData('yearly_f_', yearly_fourier)
    monthly_m_ = pm.MutableData('monthly_m_',monthly_fourier)
    sept_month = pm.MutableData('sept_month',sept)
    march_month = pm.MutableData('march_month', march)
    eaches = pm.MutableData('eaches', df_train['eaches'])

    mu_k = pm.Normal('mu_k', 0, 1)
    sigma_k = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_k', 5)
    k = pm.Normal('k', mu_k, sigma_k, dims = 'location')
    mu_m = pm.Normal('mu_m', 0, 1)
    sigma_m = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_m', 5)
    m = pm.Normal('m', mu_m, sigma_m, dims = 'location')
    delta = pm.Laplace('delta', 0, 0.1, dims=['location', 'changepoints'])

    growth = pm.Deterministic('growth', k[location_idxs] + (a_[time_idxs] * delta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    offset = pm.Deterministic('offset', m[location_idxs] + (a_[time_idxs] * -s_[None, :] * delta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    trend = pm.Deterministic('trend', growth[location_idxs] * t_[time_idxs] + offset[location_idxs], dims=['obs_id'])

    yearly_mu = pm.Normal('yearly_mu', 0, 0.1)
    yearly_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('yearly_sigma', sigma=0.1)
    yearly_beta = pm.Normal('yearly_beta', yearly_mu, yearly_sigma, dims=['location', 'yearly_components'])
    yearly_seasonality = pm.Deterministic('yearly_seasonality', (yearly_f_[time_idxs] * yearly_beta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])

    monthly_mu = pm.Normal('monthly_mu', 0, 0.1)
    monthly_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('monthly_sigma', sigma=0.1)
    monthly_beta = pm.Normal('monthly_beta', monthly_mu, monthly_sigma, dims=['location', 'monthly_components'])
    monthly_seasonality = pm.Deterministic('monthly_seasonality', (monthly_m_[time_idxs] * monthly_beta[location_idxs, :]).sum(axis=1), dims=['obs_id'])
    sept_mu = pm.Normal('sept_mu', 0, 1)
    sept_sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sept_sigma', 5)
    sept_beta = pm.Normal('sept_beta', sept_mu, sept_sigma, dims = 'location')
    march_mu = pm.Normal('march_mu', 0, 1)
    march_sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('march_sigma', 5)
    march_beta = pm.Normal('march_beta', march_mu, march_sigma, dims = 'location')

    predictions =  pm.Deterministic('predictions', np.exp(trend[location_idxs] + yearly_seasonality[location_idxs]  + monthly_seasonality[location_idxs] + (sept_beta[location_idxs]*sept_month) + (march_beta[location_idxs]*march_month)))

    # error = pm.HalfCauchy('error', 0.5)

               dims = 'obs_id')
    # trace = pm.sample(tune=3000, draws=4000)
    trace = pymc.sampling_jax.sample_numpyro_nuts(tune=3000, draws = 4000)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(0))

t_test = time_idxs/max(time_idxs)

test_month = pd.get_dummies(df_test.index.get_level_values(0).month)
test_sept = np.array(test_month[9])
test_march = np.array(test_month[3])
test_month = np.array(df_test.index.get_level_values(0).month)

test_n_yearly = 10
test_n_monthly = 5

def create_fourier_features(t, n, p=365.25):
    x = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)+1) * t[:, None] / p
    return np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis = 1)

n_yearly = 10
n_monthly = 5

# Weekly data
test_yearly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t_test, n_yearly, 12)
test_monthly_fourier = create_fourier_features(t_test, n_monthly, 1)

location_idxs, locations = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(1))
time_idxs, times = pd.factorize(df_test.index.get_level_values(0))
n_changepoints = 8

s_test = np.linspace(0, np.max(t_test), n_changepoints+2)[1:-1]

a_test = (t_test[:, None] > s)*1

n_components = 10

eaches_test = np.array(df_test['eaches'])

pm.set_data(new_data = {'sept_month':test_sept,
                       'yearly_f_': test_yearly_fourier,
                       'monthly_m_': test_monthly_fourier,
                       'eaches':eaches_test}, model = partial_pooled_model)
test_ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, partial_pooled_model)

Looks like this could be the same issue for which @canyon289 opened this ticket? Make docstring for keep_size in Posterior predictive check be nicer, or turn it off by defaulkt · Issue #5971 · pymc-devs/pymc · GitHub

Thank you. I tried that and got this error. Still trying to work the issue.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_5902/ in <module>
     46                        'monthly_m_': test_monthly_fourier,
     47                        'eaches':eaches_test}, model = partial_pooled_model)
---> 48 test_ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, partial_pooled_model,keep_size=False)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc/ in sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples, model, var_names, keep_size, random_seed, progressbar, return_inferencedata, extend_inferencedata, predictions, idata_kwargs, compile_kwargs)
   1875     assert samples is not None
-> 1876     if samples < len_trace * nchain:
   1877         warnings.warn(
   1878             "samples parameter is smaller than nchains times ndraws, some draws "

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Model' and 'int'

The error is trying to tell you that the samples variable you passed is a PyMC model, but it should just be a number.
You must have overwritten it somewhere by accident.

It should also work do do just pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace)

There are a couple issues with your call to pm.sample_posterior_predictive.

The main one is you are not passing the arguments correctly. As you can see at pymc.sample_posterior_predictive — PyMC 5.10.0 documentation, the call signature of the function is trace, samples, model. That means that the partial_pooled_model variable is being processed as the samples argument, you should use a keyword argument. model=partial_pooled_model instead.

The second one is that we still haven’t removed the samples argument as planned in Remove `samples` and `keep_size` from posterior_predictive · Issue #5775 · pymc-devs/pymc · GitHub. Therefore, you initially runned into this keep_size/samples error because your model was being interpreted as the samples argument. As a general comment, do not use samples if you want to sample the posterior predictive for a thinned version of the posterior (something that should only be done if necessary due to time or memory constraints) you should pass a thinned posterior as input to sample_posterior_predictive as shown in the api docs example (bottom of the page)

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