Error when trying mixture distribution for likelihood

Hi all,

I’m doing a Bayesian ANOVA and would like to move from normal distributions in my likelihood to mixture ones that better fit the data. Here’s my original code:

with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement
    # Define priors
    sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10)
    # Get the groups from the dummy vars
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group1'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group1'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group1 = pm.Normal('group1', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group2'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group2'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group2 = pm.Normal('group2', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group3'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group3'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group3 = pm.Normal('group3', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group4'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group4'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group4 = pm.Normal('group4', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group5'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group5'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group5 = pm.Normal('group5', mu=mu, sd=sd)

    # Define likelihood
    likelihood = pm.Normal(varOfInterest,
                            mu = group1 * theDataFrame['group1']
                            + group2 * theDataFrame['group2']
                            + group3 * theDataFrame['group3']
                            + group4 * theDataFrame['group4']
                            + group5 * theDataFrame['group5'],

    trace = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=2, target_accept=0.95, cores=2, return_inferencedata=True)

This produces posterior distributions like this:

However, my data are not normally distributed (as you might see in the posteriors) so I’d like to use a distribution something like this:

Which is produced with this mixture:

w = pm.Dirichlet('w', a=np.array([0.3, 1]))

dist1 = pm.HalfNormal.dist(sigma=0.8)
dist2 = pm.Normal.dist(mu=10, sigma=1.5)
customDist = pm.Mixture('customDist', w=w, comp_dists = [dist1, dist2])

The problem is that I’m not figuring out how to combine these properly. Here’s what I have, but it generates an error.

with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement
    # Define priors
    sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10)
    # Get the groups from the dummy vars
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group1'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group1'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group1 = pm.Normal('group1', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group2'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group2'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group2 = pm.Normal('group2', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group3'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group3'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group3 = pm.Normal('group3', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group4'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group4'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group4 = pm.Normal('group4', mu=mu, sd=sd)
    mu = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group5'] == 1, varOfInterest].mean()
    sd = theDataFrame.loc[theDataFrame['group5'] == 1, varOfInterest].std()
    group5 = pm.Normal('group5', mu=mu, sd=sd)

    # Define likelihood
    w = pm.Dirichlet('w', a=np.array([0.3, 1]))
    dist1 = pm.HalfNormal.dist(sigma=0.8)
    dist2 = pm.Normal.dist(mu = group1 * theDataFrame['group1']
                           + group2 * theDataFrame['group2']
                           + group3 * theDataFrame['group3']
                           + group4 * theDataFrame['group4']
                           + group5 * theDataFrame['group5'],

    likelihood = pm.Mixture(varOfInterest,
                            comp_dists=[dist1, dist2],

    trace = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=2, target_accept=0.95, cores=2, return_inferencedata=True)

Can someone set me straight here on how to integrate these two approaches? Thanks in advance!

I won’t be able to help much, but I can tell you that as soon as someone who can help shows up, they will ask you to post the actual text of the error you’re getting as well as a runnable example that produces the error (one that generates simulated data and then tries to fit the model). They may even ask you to see if you can start with a simpler model (say one with only two groups).

I find that in the process of providing all that information, I’ve often had some insight into the problem.
