Error with custom distribution after using scan

Hi all,

While building a time series model I’m encountering the following error: ValueError: traffic_innov is not in list. When I look at the list in question, I do find a variable named traffic_innov, so my best hypothesis at this point is that a copy is being made somewhere and then equality comparison fails despite the objects being identical from the modelling perspective.

Any help would be very much appreciated :pray:

Quick context

It’s a model of arrival times which depend on traffic. Traffic has a persistent behaviour (modelled with an AR) and is also affected by weather. Basically there are three parameters, a scan loop and a likelihood (times have been floored, hence the use of a shifted geometric instead of exponential).

I’ve tried to reduce the model’s complexity as much as possible, so the code below is not entirely representative of what I’m trying to do but it serves to reproduce the error I’m stuck with.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
from pymc.pytensorf import collect_default_updates
import pytensor

# Create fake data
lags = 1
n_stops = 5
steps = n_stops - lags
n_trips = 2
stop_sequence = np.arange(n_stops, dtype=int)
trips = np.arange(n_trips, dtype=int)
delay_delta = np.array(
        [1, 1, 1, 2, 4],
        [2, 2, 1, 1, 1],
weather_states = ["sunny", "rainy", "storm"]
weather = np.array(
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 2],
        [1, 1, 1, 0, 0],

delay_df = pd.DataFrame(delay_delta, columns=stop_sequence)
weather_df = pd.DataFrame(weather, columns=stop_sequence)
data = pd.concat([delay_df, weather_df], axis=1, keys=["delay", "weather"])

coords = {
    "weather_states": weather_states,
    "lags": range(-lags, 0),
    "stops": stop_sequence,
    "steps": stop_sequence[:-lags],
    "instances": trips,

def ar_step(weather, traffic_t1, rho, mu, sigma):
    innov = pm.LogNormal.dist(mu=mu[weather[0]], sigma=sigma[weather[0]])
    traffic = traffic_t1 * rho[0] + innov * (1 - rho[0])
    return traffic, collect_default_updates([traffic])

def ar_dist(ar_init, weather, rho, mu, sigma, n_steps, size):
    ar_innov, _ = pytensor.scan(
            {"input": weather, "taps": 0},
        outputs_info=[{"initial": ar_init, "taps": [-lags]}],
        # outputs_info=[{"initial": ar_init, "taps": range(-lags, 0)}],
        non_sequences=[rho, mu, sigma],
    return ar_innov

def geom_shift(scale, size):
    prob = 1 - pm.math.exp(-1 / scale)
    geom = pm.Geometric.dist(p=prob, size=size)
    return geom - 1

with pm.Model(coords=coords) as ar_model:
    # Data
    delay_follow = pm.Data(
        data["delay"].values[:, 1:],
        dims=("instances", "steps"),
    weather_first = pm.Data(
        "weather_first_obs", data["weather"].values[:, 1], dims=("instances",)
    weather_follow = pm.Data(
        data["weather"].values[:, 1:],
    # Parameters
    rho = pm.Beta("rho", 5, 1, dims=("lags",))  # traffic persistence
    traffic_weather_mu = pm.Normal(
        "traffic_weather_mu", 0, 1, dims=("weather_states",)
    traffic_weather_sigma = pm.HalfNormal(
        "traffic_weather_sigma", 1, dims=("weather_states",)
    # AR Model
    traffic_init = [
        for idx, weather in enumerate(weather_first)
    traffic_innov = pm.CustomDist(
        weather_follow.reshape((steps, -1)),
        ),  # scan iterates over leftmost dimension
    # Likelihood
        dims=("instances", "steps"),


with ar_model:
    idata = pm.sample()



File ~\miniconda3\envs\bus\lib\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in <listcomp>(.0)
    513 node_rvs = [valued_var.inputs[0] for valued_var in valued_nodes]
    514 node_values = [valued_var.inputs[1] for valued_var in valued_nodes]
    515 node_output_idxs = [
--> 516     fgraph.outputs.index(valued_var.outputs[0]) for valued_var in valued_nodes
    517 ]
    519 # Replace `RandomVariable`s in the inputs with value variables.
    520 # Also, store the results in the `replacements` map for the nodes that follow.
    521 for node_rv, node_value in zip(node_rvs, node_values):

ValueError: traffic_innov is not in list

Additional comments

But when I check fgraph.outputs it does seem to have traffic_innov:

(Pdb++) fgraph.outputs
[ValuedRV.0, traffic_weather_mu, ValuedRV.0, ValuedRV.0, ValuedRV.0, traffic_innov, delay]

If I replace the shifted geometric (custom distribution) by the standard geometric it works well (sampling is full of divergences but it’s not like I’m feeding it sensible data), so that seems to be playing a key role.

        p=1 - pm.math.exp(-traffic_innov.T),
        dims=("instances", "steps"),

Still I have used custom distributions without trouble and it seems to me there’s something in the interaction with scan that’s leading to the error. I’ve tried a similar model in which traffic is not affected by weather (and hence there’s only one traffic_init variable) and there everything works fine.


  • pymc: 5.17 and 5.19.1
  • pytensor: 2.25.5 and 2.26.4


After fixing a simpler version, let’s call it v1 (Scan related error using nutpie for an autoregressive model - #3 by ricardoV94), I’ve come back to this one, let’s call it v2. v1 does work with custom distributions, and I think the key difference is that while v1 has a single initial distribution:

    traffic_init = pm.LogNormal("traffic_init", traffic_mu, traffic_sigma, dims=("instances",))

v2 has a list of possible elements and one is selected depending on the weather at that time:

    traffic_init = [
        for idx, weather in enumerate(weather_first)

So I think the issue must be here but I can’t find it. I’ve tried wrapping the traffic_init list in a tensor variable using pytensor.tensor.stack() but it does not help. I can get draws just fine:


it’s when I call ar_model.point_logps() (or pm.sample) that fails.


  • pymc==5.20.0
  • pytensor==2.26.4

What error do you get?

The error is the following (I’ve omitted the

----> 1 ar_model.point_logps()  # for custom dists, to check logp has been derived

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pymc-feature\Lib\site-packages\pymc\model\, in Model.point_logps(sel
f, point, round_vals, **kwargs)
   1795     point = self.initial_point()
   1797 factors = self.basic_RVs + self.potentials
-> 1798 factor_logps_fn = [pt.sum(factor) for factor in self.logp(factors, sum=False)]
   1799 return {
   1800 np.round(np.asarray(factor_logp), round_vals)
   1801     for factor, factor_logp in zip(
   1804     )
   1805 }

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pymc-feature\Lib\site-packages\pymc\model\, in Model.logp(self, vars,
 jacobian, sum)
    694 rv_logps: list[TensorVariable] = []
    695 if rvs:
--> 696     rv_logps = transformed_conditional_logp(
    697         rvs=rvs,
    698         rvs_to_values=self.rvs_to_values,
    699         rvs_to_transforms=self.rvs_to_transforms,
    700         jacobian=jacobian,
    701     )
    702     assert isinstance(rv_logps, list)
    704 # Replace random variables by their value variables in potential terms

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pymc-feature\Lib\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in transformed_conditi
onal_logp(rvs, rvs_to_values, rvs_to_transforms, jacobian, **kwargs)
    592     transform_rewrite = TransformValuesRewrite(values_to_transforms)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    594 kwargs.setdefault("warn_rvs", False)
--> 595 temp_logp_terms = conditional_logp(
    596     rvs_to_values,
    597     extra_rewrites=transform_rewrite,
    598     use_jacobian=jacobian,
    599     **kwargs,
    600 )
    602 # The function returns the logp for every single value term we provided to it.
    603 # This includes the extra values we plugged in above, so we filter those we
    604 # actually wanted in the same order they were given in.
    605 logp_terms = {}

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pymc-feature\Lib\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in conditional_logp(rv
_values, warn_rvs, ir_rewriter, extra_rewrites, **kwargs)
    511 node_rvs = [valued_var.inputs[0] for valued_var in valued_nodes]
    512 node_values = [valued_var.inputs[1] for valued_var in valued_nodes]
    513 node_output_idxs = [
--> 514     fgraph.outputs.index(valued_var.outputs[0]) for valued_var in valued_nodes
    515 ]
    517 # Replace `RandomVariable`s in the inputs with value variables.
    518 # Also, store the results in the `replacements` map for the nodes that follow.
    519 for node_rv, node_value in zip(node_rvs, node_values):

ValueError: traffic_t is not in list

(I’ve renamed traffic_innov in the original post to traffic_t).

There’s a variable named traffic_t in fgraph.outputs so I figured it may be that is not able to find it because a copy has been made of the original object but this is just a supposition.

Gonna have to play with it, first glance looks like a bug!

Thanks! Happy to help with anything that I can.