Exclude certain free RVs from gradient calculation during ADVI?

Hi all,

I am a seasoned PyMC3 user, primarily for large-scale computational biology applications, and a first time poster – excited to join this discourse!

I am bogged down by a technical issue and I appreciate any help. Let’s say I have a complicated model with many global RVs and a few local RVs. To clarify, in the context of a GMM, I would call the mean/covariance of the Gaussian components global RVs and the responsibility of each data point a local RV (not to be confused with local/global in the context of AEVB).

Generally speaking, I would like to learn the variational posterior of my model from a very large dataset via ADVI and store the posterior parameterization (mu, rho) of the global RVs for future use, such that when a new data point arrives, I would only need to perform inference on the local RVs and use my previous knowledge of the global RVs without updating their posterior any further.

One possible approach is to instantiate the same model again, set the mu and rho of the global RVs to the previously obtained values, and then somehow forbid their update in the ADVI step function. This might be doable, for instance, by excluding the parts of mu and rho that correspond to global RVs from gradient calculation, or somehow by short-circuiting their gradients to 0. I am more or less familiar with the low-level details of PyMC3 but I have not been able to figure out a simple way of doing this without creating a hacky fork branch. Any suggestion is very much appreciated, including better ways of achieving the same goal without jumping hoops!

ps1> An unsatisfying/approximate workaround is to neglect rho altogether and treat mu of the global RVs as deterministic. One can put together a simpler model where only local RVs are free and use the MAP estimate of global RVs whenever they appear. However, this makes the model over-confident of the global RVs which is certainly not desirable.

ps2> a possible workaround is passing the global RV nodes as consider_constant in theano.grad(loss_or_grads, params) in pymc3.variational.updates.get_or_compute_grads.

ps3> what about setting global RVs to constant tensors using more_replacements in ObjectiveFunction?

ps4> what about decorating the objective optimizer in such a way that only the slice of grads corresponding to the local RVs is being used? I wonder whether theano is smart enough not to waste computation time on the part of grads we ignore.


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Update: my last approach did the trick. Just in case someone else runs into this problem, here’s the idea:

  1. Extract mu and rho of posterior factors you care to save for later use (e.g. global RVs) by inspecting approx.bij.ordering.vmap (or approx.gbij.ordering.vmap if on PyMC3 v3.1) and slicing approx.params[0] and approx.params[1] accordingly. Here, approx is an instance of variational approximation, e.g. what you get from pm.fit().

  2. To make a predictive model that utilizes only a part of the learned posteriors and infers the rest (for example, in a GMM, takes the Gaussian centroids for granted from a previous analysis but learns the responsibilities of new data points from scratch), then do the following:

    a) instantiate your model as before,
    b) instantiate your approximation (e.g. by calling advi = pm.ADVI(); approx = advi.approx in the model context).
    c) update mu and rho of the global RVs from the saved results in approx,
    d) write a custom objective optimizer that leaves the mu and rho of the global RVs intact. Here’s how adamax would look like:

    def structured_adamax(loss_or_grads=None,
                            learning_rate=0.002, beta1=0.9,
                            beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8):
     if loss_or_grads is None and params is None:
         return partial(structured_adamax, **_get_call_kwargs(locals()))
     elif loss_or_grads is None or params is None:
         raise ValueError(
             'Please provide both `loss_or_grads` and `params` to get updates')
     assert update_indices is not None
     update_indices_tensor = th.shared(np.asarray(update_indices, dtype=np.int))
     all_grads = get_or_compute_grads(loss_or_grads, params)
     t_prev = th.shared(pm.theanof.floatX(0.))
     updates = OrderedDict()
     # update degrees of freedom
     num_dof = len(update_indices)
     # Using theano constant to prevent upcasting of float32
     one = tt.constant(1)
     t = t_prev + 1
     a_t = learning_rate / (one - beta1**t)
     for param, g_t in zip(params, all_grads):
         g_t_slice = g_t[update_indices_tensor]
         m_prev = th.shared(np.zeros((num_dof,), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
         u_prev = th.shared(np.zeros((num_dof,), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
         m_t = beta1 * m_prev + (one - beta1) * g_t_slice
         u_t = tt.maximum(beta2 * u_prev, abs(g_t_slice))
         step = a_t * m_t / (u_t + epsilon)
         new_param = tt.inc_subtensor(param[update_indices_tensor], -step)
         updates[m_prev] = m_t
         updates[u_prev] = u_t
         updates[param] = new_param
     updates[t_prev] = t
     return updates

    Here, update_indices is a list of integers corresponding to the posterior param indices you want to update (e.g. all minus the global RVs). Finally, call advi.fit(obj_optimizer=structured_adamax(update_indices=...)).

I would be happy to add this functionality properly to PyMC3 and make a PR if other people care for it. Again, there’s a chance that this feature already exists in PyMC3 (in particular with the latest OPVI refactorings) but I am unable to find it. @ferrine, could you advise?



Hi. There is no such functionality in PyMC3. You can have a look into ObjectiveFunction class. It has internal stuff to create updates, it is a nice to put structured updates.

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