f = theano.function([x], theano.tensor.extra_ops.Unique(False, False, True)(x))
with pm.Model() as model:
gamma = pm.DiscreteUniform('gamma',lower=413,upper=1000)
delta = pm.DiscreteUniform('delta',lower=1,upper=gamma, shape=(900))
st = f(delta)
step = pm.Metropolis()
trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=2500, chains=4, cores=4, step=step)
It fails with the following errors
TypeError: Bad input argument with name "delta" to theano function with name "/tmp/ipykernel_4862/" at index 0 (0-based).
Backtrace when that variable is created:
Expected an array-like object, but found a Variable: maybe you are trying to call a function on a (possibly shared) variable instead of a numeric array?
theano.function is meant for compiling a tensor expression into a callable, so if you have a series of tensor operation outputs = theano.tensor.XX(*inputs), the computation is not actually done as we only build out the rule how you might do the computation when you see the data. theano.function([*inputs], outputs) returns a function like object you can call like a NumPy function. More information is in the doc: function - defines aesara.function — Aesara 2.3.2+17.g79961a625.dirty documentation
More specific, during modeling with PyMC you rarely need to use theano.function, as in the model only tensor are passing around.
DiscreteUniform is not a function, so the usage is a bit different - in general you use it to create a random variable within a model context (whereas theano/aesara operation works outside the model context as well).
However, I am not completely sure what you want to do, but since unique_value change length, you probably will have some problem building model on top of it (and sample from this model)