Fit parameters exclusively on one observational model, then use as covariate for another observational model

I have a model as shown below that regresses previous data for a unit/context in a hierarchical model to newer data. I’m using the alpha0 coefficient fit from historical data (N_0, c_0), and then centering it and feeding it into a regression. My question - will mu0 and a0 get unintentionally partially fit on the new data (N_, c_) as well as the old data? Is there a way to avoid this and only fit mu0 and a0 on the historical data (N_0, c_0)?

with pm.Model() as m1:
    # Model historical data
    mu0 = pm.Normal("mu0", -1.85, 0.5, shape=2)
    a0 = hierarchical_normal("a0", (n_units,2), mu0)
    p0 = pm.math.invlogit(a0)  
    conv_pre = pm.Binomial("conv_pre", N_0, p0[i_, v_], observed=c_0)    
    # Model new data
    theta = pm.HalfNormal("theta", 1)
    mu_a = pm.Normal("mu", -1.85, 0.5, shape=2)
    a = hierarchical_normal("a", (n_units,2), mu_a)
    ## Center historical data
    centeredX = pm.Deterministic("centeredX", (a0[i_] - a0[i_].mean() ))
    ## Regress new data onto historical data 
    p = pm.math.invlogit(a[i_, v_] + centeredX*theta)  
    conv = pm.Binomial("conv", N_, p, observed=c_)    
    trace = pm.sample(target_accept=0.95, tune=2000, return_inferencedata=True)

Side question, could someone sanity check the centering (mean-zeroing) on this model? For hierarchical models should I subtract the global mean from each context or the context mean from each context?

The posteriors of mu0 and a0 will definitely reflect c_ because conv depends on p, which depends on centeredX which depends on a0 (which depends on mu0). I don’t quite understand what your model is doing, so I can’t necessarily make recommendation about how to revise it.

As a side note, you have defined conv twice, which will prevent pymc3 from building this particular model.

I was trying to make a hierarchical extension to CUPED (for variance reduction in experimentation) to reduce variance in the global parameter mu.

That being said I just realized this now (it feels like it was insanely obvious and I looked straight past it), priors would have accomplished the same variance reduction so why bother with this complicated model above

Anyway, still an interesting question - Is there a world where I can force a model to fit things sequentially, or would I have to have separate model contexts?

If you are looking to estimate a parameter (or more than one) on one data set and use the estimate (posterior) in a subsequent analysis, you might want to check out this notebook and the from_posterior() function specifically. That function takes posterior samples and converts them into a distribution that can then be used in a subsequent model. I’m not super confident that this is your best bet, but it might point you in a useful directly.

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@cluhmann This is fantastic thank you!

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