I have been trying to transcribe a model that I had in PyMC3 (it was working there with theano as the tensor library) to PyMC4 (based on aesara). After defining my model, sampling runs into an error. What follows is my code and also the error I get.
BTW, win_loss is an array that was defined outside of the model and which contains the choice data in the form of ones and zeros. This array is converted into a tensor before being used in the model definition.
My code:
basic_model = pm.Model()
with basic_model:
# Priors for unknown model parameters
alphas = pm.Normal("alphas", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=num_items)
sd_distrib = pm.HalfNormal.dist(10)
L_sigma, corr, stds = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('L_sigma', eta=1, n=num_items, sd_dist=sd_distrib, compute_corr=True, store_in_trace=False)
cov = pm.Deterministic("cov", L_sigma.dot(L_sigma.T))
betas_init = pm.MvNormal('betas_init', mu=np.zeros((num_items)), cov=np.eye(num_items), shape=(num_respondents, num_items))
def logp(win_loss):
win = win_loss[:winloss_size,]
loss = win_loss[winloss_size:,]
betas = at.reshape(at.tile(alphas.T,num_respondents), (num_respondents, num_items)) + at.dot(betas_init,L_sigma)
betas_effects_coded = at.concatenate([betas,at.reshape(-at.sum(betas, axis = 1),(num_respondents,1))], axis=1)
winners = at.sum(betas_effects_coded[ind_list,]*win, axis = 1)
losers = at.sum(betas_effects_coded[ind_list,]*loss, axis = 1)
shp = choicedata.shape[0]
mat_tmp = at.concatenate([at.reshape(winners,(shp,1)),at.reshape(losers,(shp,1))],axis=1)
prob_tmp = softmax(mat_tmp)
log_prob_tmp = at.log(prob_tmp)
return at.reshape(at.bincount(ind_list, weights=log_prob_tmp),(num_respondents,1))
likelihood = pm.DensityDist(
#observed = {"win": win, "loss": loss}
observed = (win_loss))
with basic_model:
trace_full = pm.sample(
cores = 4)
And here is the error I get:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [71], in <cell line: 2>()
1 t1 = time.perf_counter()
2 with basic_model:
----> 3 trace_full = pm.sample(
4 tune=tune,
5 draws=draws,
6 chains=chains,
7 target_accept=target_accept,
8 return_inferencedata=True,
9 cores = 4
10 #,jobs = 4
11 )
12 t2 = time.perf_counter()
13 sampling_time = (t2 - t1)/60
File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymc/sampling.py:524, in sample(draws, step, init, n_init, initvals, trace, chain_idx, chains, cores, tune, progressbar, model, random_seed, discard_tuned_samples, compute_convergence_checks, callback, jitter_max_retries, return_inferencedata, idata_kwargs, mp_ctx, **kwargs)
521 auto_nuts_init = False
523 initial_points = None
--> 524 step = assign_step_methods(model, step, methods=pm.STEP_METHODS, step_kwargs=kwargs)
526 if isinstance(step, list):
527 step = CompoundStep(step)
File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymc/sampling.py:207, in assign_step_methods(model, step, methods, step_kwargs)
204 # Use competence classmethods to select step methods for remaining
205 # variables
206 selected_steps = defaultdict(list)
--> 207 model_logp = model.logp()
209 for var in model.value_vars:
210 if var not in assigned_vars:
211 # determine if a gradient can be computed
File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymc/model.py:753, in Model.logp(self, vars, jacobian, sum)
751 rv_logps: List[TensorVariable] = []
752 if rv_values:
--> 753 rv_logps = joint_logp(list(rv_values.keys()), rv_values, sum=False, jacobian=jacobian)
754 assert isinstance(rv_logps, list)
756 # Replace random variables by their value variables in potential terms
File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymc/distributions/logprob.py:257, in joint_logp(var, rv_values, jacobian, scaling, transformed, sum, **kwargs)
247 unexpected_rv_nodes = [
248 node
249 for node in aesara.graph.ancestors(list(temp_logp_var_dict.values()))
254 )
255 ]
256 if unexpected_rv_nodes:
--> 257 raise ValueError(
258 f"Random variables detected in the logp graph: {unexpected_rv_nodes}.\n"
259 "This can happen when DensityDist logp or Interval transform functions "
260 "reference nonlocal variables."
261 )
263 # aeppl returns the logp for every single value term we provided to it. This includes
264 # the extra values we plugged in above, so we filter those we actually wanted in the
265 # same order they were given in.
266 logp_var_dict = {}
ValueError: Random variables detected in the logp graph: [alphas, betas_init, L_sigma, normal_rv{0, (0, 0), floatX, False}.out].
This can happen when DensityDist logp or Interval transform functions reference nonlocal variables.
I’m wondering whether “nonlocal variables” refers to my win_loss array and if that’s the case if there’s a solution to this problem.