Hierarchical linear model, estimated parameters the same for each group

I’m learning PyMC. I’m trying to specify a hierarchical linear model, but something in my specification must be wrong, because I’m ending up with essentially the same values of parameters being estimated for every data group and every data subgroup.

I’m generating synthetic data - two explanatory variables and one explained variable that is a linear combination of the two plus intercept. There are two levels - observations are partitioned into 4 groups, each group is partitioned further into 3 subgroups, thus resulting in 12 clusters. The betas for particular clusters are generated as follows.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import arviz as az

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

rng = np.random.default_rng(1231)

n = 200 #number of observations
m = 2 #number of explanatory variables
n_groups = 4 #four big groups
n_subgroups = 3 #three subgroups per group
n_clusters = n_groups * n_subgroups

clusters_sizes = [5, 5, 20, 9, 13, 14, 30, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30]
# clusters: 00, 01, 02, ..., 31, 32

## generate betas
global_beta_mean = 10
group_level_beta_var = 10

# sample mean betas for each of the 4 groups
group_level_beta_mean = rng.normal(global_beta_mean, group_level_beta_var, (n_groups, m+1))
subgroup_level_beta_var = 5

# sample betas for each of the clusters
beta_real = []
for item in group_level_beta_mean:
    for i in range(n_subgroups):
        beta_real.append(rng.normal(item, subgroup_level_beta_var))
beta_real = np.round(beta_real, 2)

And the (labeled) observations are generated as follows.

X = rng.normal(0, 12, (n,m))

df = pd.DataFrame({"y": np.nan,
                   "intercept": 1,
                  "x1": X[:,0],
                  "x2": X[:,1],
                  "group": np.nan,
                  "subgroup": np.nan,
                  "cluster": np.nan,
                  "cluster_n": np.nan})

group_ = []
subgroup_ = []
cluster_ = []
cluster_n_ = []

current_group = 0
current_subgroup = 0

for i in range(n_clusters):
    current_cluster = "{}{}".format(current_group, current_subgroup)
    current_cluster_size = clusters_sizes[i]
    for j in range(current_cluster_size):
    current_subgroup = (current_subgroup + 1)%3
    if current_subgroup == 0:
        # moving to the next group
        current_group = (current_group + 1)%4
df["group"] = group_
df["subgroup"] = subgroup_
df["cluster"] = cluster_
df["cluster_n"] = cluster_n_

for i in range(n_clusters):
    tempdf = df[df["cluster_n"]==i].copy()
    df.loc[df["cluster_n"]==i, "y"] = np.matmul(tempdf[["intercept", "x1", "x2"]], beta_real[i])

df = df.sort_values(by="cluster")

I’m using globally fitted linear regression coefficients as prior global means, and my model specification is:

# get priors on global means
reg = LinearRegression().fit(df[["x1", "x2"]], df["y"])
intercept = np.round(reg.intercept_, 2)
prior_global_beta_mean = np.round(reg.coef_, 2)
prior_global_beta_mean = np.insert(prior_global_beta_mean, 0, intercept)

# create indices for broadcasting in models
cluster_idx = list(df["cluster_n"])
# map clusters on corresponding groups
cluster_on_group = {c: df[df["cluster"]==c]["group"].unique()[0] for c in df["cluster"].unique()}
group_indices_of_clusters = np.array([x for x in cluster_on_group.values()])

with pm.Model() as hierarchical_model:
    # hyperpriors
    beta_global = pm.Normal('beta_mu_global', mu=prior_global_beta_mean, sd=10, shape=m+1)
    # priors: groups
    beta_group = pm.Normal('beta_group', mu=beta_global, sd=5, shape=(n_groups, m+1))
    # priors: clusters
    beta_cluster = pm.Normal('beta_cluster', mu=beta_group[group_indices_of_clusters,:],
                             sd=5, shape=(n_clusters, m+1))
    eps = pm.HalfCauchy('eps', 5)
    nu = pm.Exponential('nu', 1/30)
    mu = pm.math.dot(beta_cluster[cluster_idx,:], df[["intercept", "x1", "x2"]].T)
    y_pred = pm.StudentT('y_pred',
                         sd=eps, nu=nu, observed=df["y"])
    trace_hmlm = pm.sample(2000, cores=2, chains=2)

I guess I’m not telling PyMC what I want to say, but I can’t see where the error is. Any help will be appreciated.

Hi Coatl, I worked on your problem for a little bit yesterday. I’m afraid I still haven’t figured out quite the right way to implement the model. What kind of error message is pymc giving you? I kept running into shape problems where there were either too many parameters per group, or too few, or pymc couldn’t figure out what parameters go with which groups.

I have two suggestions:

  1. Maybe try building an intercept only model (no predictors) to avoid the need to have one kind of dimensionality in your model specification. Then you can focus on getting just the shape issues with nested hierarchical parameters cleaned up. This might give you a good conceptual baseline for adding predictors.

  2. the global parameter should have shape of 1 right? The data generating code only has a single global beta so perhaps we want to mirror that in the model code?

I know it’s not a huge help. I’ll keep thinking about it and let you know if something useful comes along.

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I completely agree with @daniel-saunders-phil here. Simplifying would definitely be my first suggestion. Personally, I prefer to start hierarchical model as relatively “flat” (i.e., many fewer levels than I think I will ultimately want), but starting with fewer predictors (what I think of as a “skinny” model) is also an option. That being said, I think your use of the dot product is yielding shape issues (i.e., I think mu has a shape of (200,200), whereas your observed variable is shape (200,)).

Actually, my first suggestion would be to use version 4 of pymc (install instructions here). I would also do as @daniel-saunders-phil suggested and provide more information about what exactly you expect and what is happening instead (see tips for asking questions here).

Hi @daniel-saunders-phil , hi @cluhmann! Thank you for your inputs!

While there were no error messages and sampling was successful, the problem was indeed with the shapes in mu definition. Having spent some more time on this, I found this formulation to produce mu that I have in mind:

mu = pm.math.extract_diag(pm.math.dot(beta_cluster[cluster_idx,:], df[["intercept", "x1", "x2"]].T))

It works, but I don’t like it. Do you maybe now of a simpler way of properly combining broadcasting and matrices multiplication?

Something like this?

mu = ( beta_cluster[cluster_idx,:] * df[["intercept", "x1", "x2"]] ).sum(axis=1)

This is great and has sped up sampling immensely, thank you!

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