I have a dataset with 32 diff. networks, only 1 Independent RV - EXP_FLAG_C and Target Variable - CONV_FLAG_ORIGINAL that looks like below:
Firs I build individual model for each NETWORK with pm.Binomial Likelihood and saving traces into dict. using the code below:
takes about .4hr
run = False
if run:
indiv_traces = {}
for network_name in network_names:
print (f"Sampling for NETWORK: {network_name}")
# Select subset of data belonging to network
n_data = data_compressed.loc[data_compressed.NETWORK == network_name]
n_data = n_data.reset_index(drop=True)
n_exp_flag = n_data.EXP_FLAG_C
n_conv_flag = n_data.nCONV_FLAG_ORIGINALs
n_trials = n_data.ntrials
#building a model for selected network
with pm.Model() as idividual_model:
# priors
alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=1)
beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=1)
m = alpha + pm.math.dot(n_exp_flag, beta)
# inverse link function with alias for the Theano function
p = pm.Deterministic('p', pm.math.sigmoid(m))
# boundary decision, which is the value used to separate class of the target
bd = pm.Deterministic('bd', -alpha/beta)
conv = pm.Binomial('conv',
p = p,
n = n_trials,
observed = n_conv_flag)
# posterior/create the trace
trace = pm.sample(chains = 4,
target_accept = 0.9,
indiv_traces[network_name] = trace
Sampling goes smooth with no Divergency and beta coeff for each NETWORK are following :
Now I’m trying to build Hierarchical model and defining Hyperpriors for group nodes with code below:
with pm.Model() as hr_model_nc:
# Hyperpriors for group nodes
mu_a = pm.Normal('mu_alpha', mu=0, sigma=1)
sigma_a = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_alpha', beta = 5)
mu_b = pm.Normal('mu_beta', mu=0, sigma=1)
sigma_b = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_beta', beta = 5)
# priors
# Intercept for each network, distributed around group mean mu_a
alpha = pm.Normal('alpha',
shape =len(data_compressed.NETWORK_IDX.unique()))
# Slope for each network, distributed around group mean mu_b
beta = pm.Normal('beta',
shape =len(data_compressed.NETWORK_IDX.unique()))
m = alpha[network_idx] + pm.math.dot(data_compressed.EXP_FLAG_C.values, beta[network_idx])
# inverse link function with alias for the Theano function
p = pm.Deterministic('p', pm.math.sigmoid(m))
# boundary decision, which is the value used to separate class of the target
bd = pm.Deterministic('bd', -alpha[network_idx]/beta[network_idx])
conv = pm.Binomial('conv',
n = data_compressed.ntrials.values,
# priors_hr = pm.sample_prior_predictive()
# posterior/create the trace
trace_hr_nc = pm.sample(chains= 2,
# tune=2000,
target_accept = 0.96,
max_treedepth = 15,
As the result of sampling - 0 divergences but following messages:
Increasing tree depth only make longer time for sampling. I already increase target_accept.
My Hyperpriors is pretty informative. I don’t understand how should I reparametrize it.
Fores plot from Hierarchical Model with beta coeff for each NETWORK below:
If anybody can help with any thoughts or examples/ blogs/ articles would be much appreciate. Thank you