Hierarchical Model - Input Dimension Mis-Match on New Data

I am making a hierarchical logistic regression model that’s meant to predict the election winner based on ‘fundamentals’ (demographics, the economy, etc).

num_states = len(df_model['state_fips'].unique())
states_lookup = dict(zip(df['state_fips'].unique() , range(len(df['state_fips'].unique()))))
states = df.state_fips.replace(states_lookup).values

with pm.Model() as election_model:
    # Priors
    mu_a = pm.Normal('mu_a', mu=0, sigma=5)
    sigma_a = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_a', 5)
    mu_b = pm.Normal('mu_b', mu=0, sigma=3)
    sigma_b = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_b', 5)
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu_a, sd=sigma_a, shape=num_states)

    beta_income = pm.Normal('beta_income', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_consumer = pm.Normal('beta_consumer', mu_b, sd=sigma_b)
    beta_urban = pm.Normal('beta_urban', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_density = pm.Normal('beta_density', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_nonHS = pm.Normal('beta_nonHS', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_pctasian = pm.Normal('beta_pctasian', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_advanced = pm.Normal('beta_advanced', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    beta_approval = pm.Normal('beta_approval', mu_b, sd=sigma_b)
    beta_evan = pm.Normal('beta_evan', mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=num_states)
    income = pm.Data('income', df.Pct_Over_National_Average.values)
    consumer = pm.Data('consumer', df.Idx_Consumer_Sentiment.values)
    urban = pm.Data('urban', df.urban_pct.values)
    density = pm.Data('density', df.pop_density.values)
    nonHS = pm.Data('nonHS', df.nonHS_graduate.values)
    pct_asian = pm.Data('pct_asian', df.pct_asian.values)
    adv_degree = pm.Data('adv_degree', df.advanced_degree_or_more.values)
    approval = pm.Data('approval', df.Y4_avg_net_approval.values)
    evang = pm.Data('evang', df.evangelical_pct.values)
    sigma_y = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_y',0.001)
    mu = alpha[states] + beta_income[states] * income  + beta_consumer * consumer + beta_urban[states] * urban + beta_density[states] * density  + beta_nonHS[states] * nonHS + beta_pctasian[states] * pct_asian + beta_advanced[states] * adv_degree + beta_approval * approval + beta_evan[states] * evang + sigma_y
    #theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', pm.invlogit(mu))
    theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', pm.math.sigmoid(mu))
    #Y_obs = pm.Binomial('Y_obs', p=theta, n=num_states, observed=df['dem_state_win'].values)
    Y_obs = pm.Bernoulli('Y_obs', theta, observed=df['dem_state_win'].values)

I standardize the parameters first. I’m having two problems. The first is that when I run samples, it seems to have some problems with convergence and some of the rhats are bigger than I would like. The second problem is that I’m trying to enter 2020 data to make a prediction:

with election_model:
    pm.set_data({'income': df20.Pct_Over_National_Average.values, 'consumer': df20.Idx_Consumer_Sentiment.values,
               'urban': df20.urban_pct.values, 'density': df20.pop_density.values, 'nonHS': df20.nonHS_graduate.values,
               'pct_asian': df20.pct_asian.values, 'adv_degree': df20.advanced_degree_or_more.values,
               'approval': df20.Y4_avg_net_approval.values, 'evang': df20.evangelical_pct.values})

    y_test = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace)

I get an input dimension mismatch:
ValueError: Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[0] = 357, input[2].shape[0] = 51)

357 is the length of the original parameters (51 states plus DC x 7 elections) and the new data is for 2020 for the 51 states. Obviously I don’t have much experience with PyMC3, can anyone shed some light on this for me?

This happens for me when I forget to include one of the inputs variables in the new data, so the model sees two different shapes: the shape of the new data and the shape of the old input that’s missing in the new data. If that makes sense :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to supply a value for all of these:

income = pm.Data('income', df.Pct_Over_National_Average.values) consumer = pm.Data('consumer', df.Idx_Consumer_Sentiment.values)
urban = pm.Data('urban', df.urban_pct.values)
density = pm.Data('density', df.pop_density.values)
nonHS = pm.Data('nonHS', df.nonHS_graduate.values)
pct_asian = pm.Data('pct_asian', df.pct_asian.values)
adv_degree = pm.Data('adv_degree', df.advanced_degree_or_more.values)
approval = pm.Data('approval', df.Y4_avg_net_approval.values)
evang = pm.Data('evang', df.evangelical_pct.values)

I suspect that you also need to change this:

Y_obs = pm.Bernoulli('Y_obs', theta, observed=df['dem_state_win'].values)

To this and supply a value for it:

dm_state_win = pm.Data('dm_state_win ', df['dem_state_win'].values)
Y_obs = pm.Bernoulli('Y_obs', theta, observed=dm_state_win)

I did add the data for Y_obs, thanks for pointing that out. It doesn’t solve my problem unfortunately, and I double checked to make sure I included all the variables in the set_data() function.

I can’t supply an update for Y_obs because that is what I’m trying to predict (the election hasn’t happened yet). I guess I don’t understand why there’s an input mismatch in the first place, I’m just updating data to the model, why does it have to match the dimensions of the original model?

You still need to supply dummy data for Y_obs, just do it like this:

'Y_obs': np.zeros_like(df20.Pct_Over_National_Average.values)

It just needs to be there to keep the shapes intact.

My guess is that all pm.Data() must be updated, otherwise PyMC assumes that it should use the previous observed data for that variable. Ergo, shape mismatch.

Most probable reason seems to be states not being pm.Data. i.e. alpha has shape 51 but alpha[states] has shape 357, if states does not change between posterior and predictions, you get an array with the wrong shape.

As far as I can remember, the observations were ignored both regarding their values and their shape in sample_posterior_predictive.