I’m quite new to pymc3 and have difficulties understanding what happens if I define multiple observed RVs in my model.
I have the following setup:
- I’m observing a set of complex numbers called visibilities V_i. Every V_i is drawn from a normal distribution \mathcal{N}(\tilde{V}_i, \sigma_i), where \tilde{V}_i is the visibility obtained from a model \tilde{V}_i = FFT(B(\Theta))_i
- \Theta = \theta_A is the parameter I want to infere
- I have some uniform prior P(\theta_A)
- My likelihood is \mathcal{L}(V\vert \theta_A) = \prod_{i=0}^N{\mathcal{N}(\tilde{V}_i(\theta_A), \sigma_i)}. For simplicity let \sigma_i=1.
My question is: How am I supposed to implement this likelihood inside my pymc3 model?
My first solution is this, but I’m not sure if this is correct.
amplitude_model = pymc3.Model()
with amplitude_model:
amplitude = pymc3.Uniform('amplitude', 0.1, 100) # uniform prior for A
source_A = pointSourceALM(128,amplitude,32,64) # calculate source for A
vis_A = theano_RIME_simple(source_A, uvstack, 128) # calculate visibilites using RIME (simple FFT)
vis_A_real = vis_A[:,:,0].flatten() # flatten both arrays since we don't need positional information & split real/imag
vis_A_imag = vis_A[:,:,1].flatten()
vis_flat = vis.flatten() # observed visibilities
cov = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
# Generate one normal distirubtion for each visibility
for i, v in enumerate(zip(vis_flat.real,vis_flat.imag)):
if v == (0,0): # skip visibilites that have not been measured
pymc3.MvNormal('vis'+str(i), mu=[vis_A_real[i],vis_A_imag[i]], cov=cov,observed=v)
I’m not really sure what happens inside of pymc3 when I define multiple observed RVs (vis0…visN).
Thanks in advance for any help.