How to call pymc3.math functions inside model context?

I am trying to write model in pymc3 and use jax and tensorflow probabilty for inference using this notebook by junpenglao.

The code for the model is as follows:

y = np.random.rand(10,1)
A = np.log(np.random.rand(10,10))
m,n= np.shape(A)
mc = np.shape(y)[1]

with pm.Model() as model:
    q = pm.Uniform('scale', 4, 5)
    lsd = pm.Uniform('lsd', 1, 2, shape=n)
    beta = [pm.Bound(pm.Laplace, lower=1, upper=10).dist('beta', mu=5.0, b=lsd[i]) for i in range(n)]
    mu = pmmath.logsumexp(A - beta / q, axis=0)
    mu = np.tile(mu, (mc,1)).T
    noise_sigma = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=0).dist('noise_sigma', mu=0, sigma=1)
    y_rv = pm.MvNormal('y', mu = mu, chol = noise_sigma * np.eye(mc), shape=(m,mc), observed=y)
  1. I’m getting the following error when I execute the model cell.
TypeError: Unsupported dtype for TensorType: object
  1. This is due to beta variable is of type object.

I’m also facing similar error on the last line y_rv, where noise_sigma is of type _ContinuousBounded.

How to resolve these errors? Please excuse me, this is my first time using the pymc3.

This started working after I’ve changed the code to following, atleast the code executes without any errors.

y = np.random.rand(10,1)
A = np.log(np.random.rand(10,10))
m,n= np.shape(A)
mc = np.shape(y)[1]

with pm.Model() as model:
    q = pm.Uniform('scale', 4, 5)
    lsd = pm.Uniform('lsd', 1, 2, shape=n)
    u = pm.Bound(pm.Laplace, lower=1, upper=10)('u', mu=5.0, b=lsd, shape=n) 
    mu = pmmath.logsumexp(A - u / q, axis=0)
    noise_sigma = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=0)('noise_sigma', mu=0, sigma=1)
    y_rv = pm.MvNormal('y', mu=tt.tile(mu, (mc,1)).T, chol=noise_sigma * tt.eye(mc), shape=(m,mc), observed=y)

But when I try running it with jax, I get the following error:

Is the model definition correct?

I have seen similar error when trying to write a mixture model, but have not yet pin down where is the bug yet - could you open an issue on Theano-pymc?

My guess is that some Theano Ops are just itself represented as a list - might need to assign an identity Ops to them or something.


I’ve opened the issue on Theano-pymc

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