I am looking for help on best practice to model this particular distribution. This is hourly sales volume of a particular item.
As you can see, the sales have peaks around 6:00, 9:00, 13:00. Otherwise, it has slow declines throughout the day.
What’s the best way to model this kind of behaviour?
I have tried:
a = pm.Normal(‘a’, mu=0.0, sd = 0.1, shape=2)
pm.math.exp(a[0]*hour_of_day + a[1]*hour_of_day**2)
Is there a better way of doing this?
Many thanks for suggestions.
July 11, 2018, 7:54am
If the data is indeed cyclical (night time is missing in the plot?) then you might want to try out the Von Mises distribution. It’s the equivalent of a Normal distribution for periodic data.
You might need a mixture of multiple components to account for the multiple peaks.
Another option might be to transform the data into frequency space using a Fourier series .
However, I’ve never put that to practice and just wanted to give you a direction. Surely someone else has more experience!