I’m trying to implement the Multivariate Hypergeometric distribution in PyMC3. My latest efforts so far run fine, but don’t seem to sample correctly. Here is my implementation of the MvHypergeometric
from pymc3.distributions import Discrete, draw_values, generate_samples
import theano.tensor as tt
from pymc3.util import get_variable_name
from pymc3.distributions.dist_math import bound, factln, binomln, betaln, logpow, random_choice
from pymc3.math import tround, sigmoid, logaddexp, logit, log1pexp
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
class MvHypergeometric(Discrete):
def __init__(self, K, n, *args, **kwargs):
super(MvHypergeometric, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
N = tt.sum(K, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
n = np.squeeze(n) # works also if n is a
self.N = N
if len(self.shape) > 1:
m = self.shape[-2]
# try:
# assert n.shape == (m,)
# except (AttributeError, AssertionError):
# n = n * tt.ones(m)
self.n = tt.shape_padright(n)
self.K = K if K.ndim > 1 else tt.shape_padleft(K)
elif n.ndim == 1:
self.n = tt.shape_padright(n)
self.K = K if K.ndim > 1 else tt.shape_padleft(K)
# n is a scalar, K is a 1d array
self.n = tt.as_tensor_variable(n)
self.K = tt.as_tensor_variable(K)
self.mean = self.n * self.K / self.N
mode = tt.cast(tt.round(self.mean), 'int32')
diff = self.n - tt.sum(mode, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
inc_bool_arr = tt.abs_(diff) > 0
mode = tt.inc_subtensor(mode[inc_bool_arr.nonzero()],
self.mode = mode
def _random(self, K, n, size=None):
original_dtype = K.dtype
# Set float type to int64 for numpy. This change is related to numpy issue #8317 (
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/8317)
K = K.astype('int64')
# Now, re-normalize all of the values in int64 precision. This is done inside the
# conditionals
# np.random.multinomial needs `n` to be a scalar int and `p` a
# sequence
if K.ndim == 1 and (n.ndim == 0 or (n.ndim == 1 and n.shape[0] == 1)):
# If `n` is already a scalar and `K` is a sequence, then just
# return np.multinomial with some size handling
# p = K / K.sum()
if size is not None:
if size == K.shape:
size = None
elif size[-len(K.shape):] == K.shape:
size = size[:len(size) - len(K.shape)]
randnum = random_mv_hypergeom(K, n, size=size)
return randnum.astype(original_dtype)
# The shapes of `K` and `n` must be broadcasted by hand depending on
# their ndim. We will assume that the last axis of the `K` array will
# be the sequence to feed into np.random.multinomial. The other axis
# will only have to be iterated over.
if n.ndim == K.ndim:
# K and n have the same ndim, so n.shape[-1] must be 1
if n.shape[-1] != 1:
raise ValueError('If n and K have the same number of '
'dimensions, the last axis of n must be '
'have len 1. Got {} instead.\n'
'n.shape = {}\n'
'K.shape = {}.'.format(n.shape[-1],
n_p_shape = np.broadcast(np.empty(K.shape[:-1]),
K = np.broadcast_to(K, n_p_shape + (K.shape[-1],))
n = np.broadcast_to(n, n_p_shape + (1,))
elif n.ndim == K.ndim - 1:
# n has the number of dimensions of p for the iteration, these must
# broadcast together
n_p_shape = np.broadcast(np.empty(K.shape[:-1]),
K = np.broadcast_to(K, n_p_shape + (K.shape[-1],))
n = np.broadcast_to(n, n_p_shape + (1,))
elif K.ndim == 1:
# K only has the sequence array. We extend it with the dimensions
# of n
n_p_shape = n.shape
K = np.broadcast_to(K, n_p_shape + (K.shape[-1],))
n = np.broadcast_to(n, n_p_shape + (1,))
elif n.ndim == 0 or (n.dim == 1 and n.shape[0] == 1):
# n is a scalar. We extend it with the dimensions of p
n_p_shape = K.shape[:-1]
n = np.broadcast_to(n, n_p_shape + (1,))
# There is no clear rule to broadcast p and n so we raise an error
raise ValueError('Incompatible shapes of n and K.\n'
'n.shape = {}\n'
'K.shape = {}'.format(n.shape, K.shape))
# Check what happens with size
if size is not None:
if size == K.shape:
size = None
_size = 1
elif size[-len(K.shape):] == K.shape:
size = size[:len(size) - len(K.shape)]
_size = np.prod(size)
_size = np.prod(size)
_size = 1
# We now flatten K and n up to the last dimension
K_shape = K.shape
K = np.reshape(K, (np.prod(n_p_shape), -1))
n = np.reshape(n, (np.prod(n_p_shape), -1))
# We renormalize K
# K = K / K.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
# We iterate calls to np.random.multinomial
randnum = np.asarray([
random_mv_hypergeom(KK, nn, size=_size)
for (nn, KK) in zip(n, K)
# We swap the iteration axis with the _size axis
randnum = np.moveaxis(randnum, 1, 0)
# We reshape the random numbers to the corresponding size + p_shape
if size is None:
randnum = np.reshape(randnum, K_shape)
randnum = np.reshape(randnum, size + K_shape)
# We cast back to the original dtype
return randnum.astype(original_dtype)
def random(self, point=None, size=None):
n, K = draw_values([self.n, self.K], point=point, size=size)
samples = generate_samples(self._random, K, n,
return samples
def logp(self, x):
n = self.n
K = self.K
N = self.N
# print('--- Call to logp ')
# print(self._repr_latex_())
# for varname in ['x', 'n', 'K', 'N']:
# val = locals()[varname]
# print('{0} = {1}'.format(varname, val))
return bound(
tt.sum(binomln(K, x)) - binomln(N,tt.sum(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True)),
tt.all(x >= 0),
tt.all(tt.eq(tt.sum(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True), n)),
tt.all(K >= 0),
tt.all(tt.eq(tt.sum(K), N)),
tt.all(tt.le(n, N)),
def _repr_latex_(self, name=None, dist=None):
if dist is None:
dist = self
n = dist.n
K = dist.K
return r'${} \sim \text{{MVHypergeometric}}*(\mathit{{K}}={}, \mathit{{n}}={})$'.format(
Essentially, I copied the Multinomial
implementation from PyMC3 and changed the random()
and logp()
Since NumPy doesn’t yet have functions for generating random multivariate hypergeometric samples, I implemented one as well:
def random_mv_hypergeom(K, n, size=1):
K : one-dimensional array containing the total amount of each category in the population
n : sample size
One-dimensional array with the same length as `K` containing a random sample of the
if size is None:
size = 1
if not isinstance(size, int):
size = size[0]
n = np.repeat(a=n, repeats=size)
remaining = np.cumsum(K[::-1])[::-1]
result = np.zeros((len(K), size), dtype=np.int)
for i, k in enumerate(K[:-1]):
n_true = n[:]
ignore_results = n<1
n[n<1] = 0
result[i] = np.random.hypergeometric(k, remaining[i + 1], n)
n -= result[i]
result[i, ignore_results] = 0
n = n_true[:]
result[-1] = n
return result.transpose()
I created a simple model to test my implementation, and I compared it to a similar Multinomial model. Here are both models:
if __name__ == '__main__':
trueK = np.asarray([40, 60])
N = trueK.sum()
fn = 0.9
n = (N*fn).astype('int32')
obs = random_mv_hypergeom(K=trueK, n=n)[0]
p = obs/n
b = 10
a = (1+(b-2)*p)/(1-p)
with pm.Model() as ex:
K = pm.BetaBinomial('K', n=N, alpha=a, beta=b, testval=(N*p).astype('int32'), shape=p.shape)
p = pm.Deterministic('p', K/N)
hyp = MvHypergeometric(name='hypergeom', K=K, n=n, observed=obs)
tex1 = pm.sample(draws=10000, nchains=2)
with pm.Model() as ex2:
p_bin = pm.Beta(name='p_bin', alpha=1, beta=1)
binom = pm.Binomial(name='binomial', n=n, p=p_bin, observed=obs[0])
tex2 = pm.sample(draws=10000, nchains=2)
Both these models compile and run fine (albeit with warnings about small effective samples):
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 4 jobs)
Metropolis: [K]
Sampling 2 chains: 100%|██████████| 21000/21000 [00:03<00:00, 5508.65draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 10% for some parameters.
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [p_bin]
Sampling 2 chains: 100%|██████████| 21000/21000 [00:07<00:00, 2783.64draws/s]
However, the summary is strange:
In[3]: pm.summary(tex1)
mean sd mc_error ... hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
K__0 43.425600 5.464317 0.215351 ... 54.00 560.442691 1.001975
K__1 64.322450 6.868856 0.291459 ... 77.00 439.016363 1.005313
p__0 0.434256 0.054643 0.002154 ... 0.54 560.442691 1.001975
p__1 0.643224 0.068689 0.002915 ... 0.77 439.016363 1.005313
[4 rows x 7 columns]
In[4]: pm.summary(tex2)
mean sd mc_error ... hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
p_bin 0.401749 0.051078 0.000642 ... 0.5006 8164.413999 0.999957
[1 rows x 7 columns]
Specifically, the standard deviation for the variable p__0
in the first model is almost the same as the p_bin
variable in the second model. Since the number of samples (n = 90
) in the multivariate hypergeometric model is so close to the population size (N = 100
), I would expect the standard deviation of p
in the first model to be significantly less than in the second model (multinomial).
Also, the trace is inconsistent with the distribution parameters. The population size is N = 100
, so the sum of the K
s in each sample should be 100, and yet they are frequently not:
In[25]: plt.hist(tex1['K'].sum(axis=1))
The logp()
method puts a 0% posterior probability on any sample where the sum of K
s is different than N
, so I don’t see how this is possible.
Finally, the traceplot shows what seems like a lot of autocorrelation in the hypergeometric model.
What can I do to improve my implementation of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution?