Including prior information on quantities of interest, not just on parameters in your model

Andrew Gelman responds to this question on how to include prior information on quantities of interest, not just on parameters in your model with a bit of Stan Code.

model {
  target += normal(y | a + b*x, sigma);  \\ data model
  target += normal(a | 0, 10);           \\ weak prior on a
  target += normal(b | 0, 10);           \\ weak prior on a
  target += normal(a + 5*b | 4.5, 0.2);        \\ informative prior on a + 5*b

How would one code the last line in PyMC3? I know how to put as expression as the mu parameter of a Normal dist, but how do you put these strong experiential priors on that parameter?

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There would actually be no problem in allowing pm.Normal('a', mu=4.5, sd=0.2, observed=a + 5 * b). We explicitly check for that and throw an error to prevent people from doing really strange things. If you want, you can always just use a potential: pm.Potential('name', pm.Normal.dist(mu=4.5, sd=0.2).logp(a + a * b))

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I think even right now you can do it this way, see:

But agree that using a potential is better, so dont try this at home:grimacing:

with pm.Model() as m2:
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', 0, 10)
    a = pm.Normal('a', 0, 10)
    sd = pm.HalfNormal('sd', 5)
    pm.Normal('eps', 0., 1., observed=(y - X*beta - a)/sd)
    pm.Potential('jacob_det', -tt.log(sd)*len(y))
    trace2 = pm.sample()

Oh interesting, cool, thanks!