Hi Pymc Folks,
I’m working on simulating audio where multiple bats may be emitting sounds - and trying to see which subset of possible scenarios matches my observed audio data best (e.g. with 3 individuals A,B,C we can have 7 scenarios/combinations where at least one of them emits a sound) . I’m doing this using ABC as I need to understand the match to my audio data itself.
My simulation function takes two parameters per draw - an integer which decides the scenario to be simulated. This integer is used to subset a binary ‘scenario array’. The other input parameter is a random draw of potential positions from where sound was emitted.
Before I even began to write the audio simulation portion - I ran into inconsistencies on how the drawn integer was treated - it seems like pymc is treating it like an np.ndarray when I print its type()
, but throws an IndexError when I try to use the integer to subset the scenario array.
I understand from looking around the docs and here that pytensor
and numpy
objects don’t mix well. Does anyone have any ideas on 1) why this odd type inconsistency occurs (the output type is numpy.ndarray
- but it is not really this kind of object?), and 2) if there is anyway to convert a pytensor into a numpy array so that I can perform all operations within the simulation only with numpy objects.
System specs: Windows 10, Python 3.11, Pymc 5.5.0. Same error also seen in Python 3.11, Pymc 5.5.0 and Ubuntu 20.04 too.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 4 18:22:40 2023
@author: theja
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
import os
def generate_all_possible_scenarios(nbats):
Generates all possible 2^nbats - 1 possible combinations where
at least 1 bat is calling
all_scenarios = []
scenario_number = 0
for subset in range(1, nbats+1):
subscenario_combis = combinations(range(1,nbats+1),subset)
for each in subscenario_combis:
binary_scenario = np.zeros(nbats)
batinds = np.array((each))-1
binary_scenario[batinds] = 1
all_scenarios.append(binary_scenario )
scenario_number += 1
all_scenarios = np.array(all_scenarios)
return all_scenarios
nbats = 5
# generate various possible scenarios individual called (1=call, 0=silent)
allscenarios_asnp = generate_all_possible_scenarios(nbats)
# set probability of all scenarios to be the same
num_scenarios = allscenarios_asnp.shape[0]
p_categories = np.tile(1/num_scenarios, num_scenarios)
p_categories = p_categories/p_categories.sum() # 're' normalise everything to be sure it adds to 1
# x,y,z ranges of possible emission points for each individual per row
# ordered as xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
xyz_ranges = np.ones((nbats,6))
for batnum in range(nbats):
xyz_ranges[batnum,:] = batnum + np.linspace(0,1,6)
def generate_fake_cc(rng, scenario_number, xyz_emissions, size=None):
An incomplete but functional example to show issues with subsetting
rng :
scenario_number : int? or pytensor?
The row number to choose from the binary scenario matrix
xyz_emissions : np.array? or pytensor?
The set of drawn potential emission points
size :
print(type(xyz_emissions), xyz_emissions.shape,
type(scenario_number), scenario_number)
# PROBLEM POINT when uncommented
# calling_bats = allscenarios_asnp[scenario_number,:]
# dummy output just to get the function to run
return np.array([5, 2]).reshape(-1,2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with pm.Model() as mo:
# choose which scenario is being tested
current_scenario = pm.Categorical('current_scenario',
# generate the hypothesised x,y,z for the emitting bats
x_hyp = pm.Uniform('x_hyp', lower=xyz_ranges[:,0],
upper=xyz_ranges[:,1], shape=(nbats,))
y_hyp = pm.Uniform('y_hyp', lower=xyz_ranges[:,2],
z_hyp = pm.Uniform('z_hyp', lower=xyz_ranges[:,4],
xyz_stack = pm.math.stack([x_hyp, y_hyp, z_hyp], axis=1)
# #scenario_data[1] = xyz_stack
# # recreate the simulated audio and cross-correlations
sim = pm.Simulator('sim', generate_fake_cc, params=(current_scenario, xyz_stack),
with mo:
idata = pm.sample_smc(draws=100, chains=2)