I have specified the following model (a varying intercepts model for a reaction time (see figure for the sample data distribution) as a function of condition = [baseline, treatment1, treatment2]) with the bambi package:

b_model = Model(data)
results = b_model.fit(‘reaction_time ~ 1 + condition’, random = [‘1|subject_id’],
samples = 3000, tune = 2000)
As the title says: is there a possibility to model the response variable (in my case a reaction time) as lognormal (or any other right skewed option)? I have seen the possibility to specify a family, but can’t understand how to do it.
Not sure if lognormal likelihood is implemented in bambi, @aloctavodia ?
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Hi @tankenot
You can specify a family by passing the argument family
to fit
, the available families are “gaussian”, “bernoulli” and “poisson”.
If your variable y
is lognormal distributed then log(y)
is normal distributed, then you can transform your variable y
and keep the bambi model the same. Even if your data is not really lognormal taking the log can help with right skewed data.
I’ve fit my model using the log(y) which is fine.
- Since I’m interested in comparing the means for baseline, treatment 1 and treatment 2, is there any way I can back transform my model parameters to obtain posterior distributions on my original scale (in seconds since I’m working with reaction times)? Modelling reaction time as normally distributed, I would obtain the difference: baseline vs. treatment 1 as the slope1 coefficient and baseline vs. treatment 2 as the slope2 coefficient.
Sorry for the delay, yes you can apply the inverse of the (natural) logarithm function, that is you can do exp(coeff)
Thanks @aloctavodia. Would you say the same applies if the transform would be inverse instead (i.e., that if the y is transformed as (y)^(-1) the coefficients can be obtained by (coeff)^(-1)?
In general you can apply one function to the response variable and then its inverse to back-transform the parameters.
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