I’m interested in using pm.LKJCholeskyCov()
to learn group-level covariance matrices for a hierarchical MVN generative process, but can’t figure out how to learn the covariance matrix at the group (rather than global) level.
Example data generating process: The observations x
and y
belong to two group
s: A and B. We know which group each observation corresponds to. Additionally, within each group the data are generated from a 2D multivariate Normal with different means & covariances. I want to estimate each group’s mean & covariance with a hierarchical model.
For estimating the means, this process is straightforward when constructing the pm.MvNormal()
specification: we simply specify a (2, 1) x 2 prior (2D vector of means x 2 groups). The syntax for this is fairly straightfoward:
mu_group = pm.Normal("mu_group", mu=0, sigma=1,
dims=("groups", "features"))
For estimating the covariances, I would like to follow the same process and use pm.LKJCholeskyCov()
to construct a (2, 2) x 2 prior (2x2 covariance matrix x 2 groups).
However, there does not seem to be a clear way to initialize a covariance-matrix prior along a given dimension. Instead, I am constrained to learning the “global” covariance matrix without any specification of the grouping structure. Is there a simple workaround to learn covariance matrices at the group level rather than globally in PyMC?
I’ve included full code for a reprex below (running PyMC 15.1). Sampling from model
reveals that we “correctly” learn the group means as (0,0) and (1, -1) respectively, but learn the covariances globally instead of at the group level.
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
sample_size = 1000
mean1 = [0, 0]
mean2 = [1, -1]
cov1 = [[1, 0], [0, 1]] # covariance matrix 1
cov2 = [[1, -0.5], [-0.5, 1]] # covariance matrix 2
sample1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean1, cov1, sample_size)
sample2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean2, cov2, sample_size)
groups = np.repeat(["A", "B"], sample_size)
sample = np.concatenate([sample1, sample2])
df = pd.DataFrame(data = {
"group" : groups,
"x" : sample[:, 0],
"y" : sample[:, 1],
group_values, group_names = pd.factorize(df["group"])
features = ["x", "y"]
coords = {
"groups": group_names,
"features": features
df_numeric = df[features]
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
# Specifying Data objects #
group_idx = pm.Data("group_idx", value=group_values)
observations = pm.Data("observations", value=df_numeric)
# Priors #
mu_group = pm.Normal("mu_group", mu=0, sigma=1, dims=("groups", "features"))
# Deterministic terms #
mu = mu_group[group_idx]
# Setting up the Cholesky matrix #
# LKJ Cholesky decomposition.
sd_dist = pm.Exponential.dist(1, shape=len(features))
chol, _, _ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov(
cov = pm.Deterministic("cov", chol.dot(chol.T))
# Specifying our data #
obs = pm.MvNormal("obs", mu=mu, chol=chol, observed=observations, shape=(df_numeric.shape))