Limiting domain of sampling from gaussian process

I have fit a Gaussian process model that I have calibrated to some multivariate X and scalar y data which comes from an expensive (and gradient-less) function. Lets use an image from the manual as an example:

Once I have fit my Gaussian process to some data, I then compute the median values of the gaussian process parameters and use them in another pymc3 model to sample over by using gp.Latent:

cov_func = median_eta.reshape([1,1])**2.*hps['covfxn'](len(rvs),ls=median_ls)
gp            = = cov_func)
gp_cond  = gp.conditional('median_gp',Xnew=some_new_X,
y_ = pm.Normal('y',mu=gp_cond,sd=sigma,observed=y)

This works reasonably well for approximating the function that generated the original X and y data but being faster to evaluate and I can use gradient samplers.

I would like to make sure though that when I am using the Latent Gaussian process that I stay within the domain that has relatively high confidence. Using the above figure as an example, I want to make sure that I wouldn’t end up sampling in the region above 10.

This is especially a problem if my observed y is close to the mean function value of my gp. The samplers then have a tendency to push my solution out into the unobserved domain.

Because my X is multivariate I can’t set bounds directly. I would like to weight my likelyhood towards regions of low variance in my gp. Does anyone have any ideas?

If I’m understanding right, you are basically trying to put a prior on gp that puts no support on the region greater than e.g. 10. So, maybe you could restrict the gp to equal zero in the out-of-bounds region? To do this, you can modify the covariance function to equal zero in that region. See here, in the section called “A custom changepoint covariance function”.

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@bwengals the only problem with that is sometimes the value that I’m converging to in my second model is zero or nearby so I have a tendency to move outside of my calibrated domain and stay there. I’ll dig through that notebook and see if I get any brainwaves though.

I had two thoughts that I’m not totally sure how to implement:

  1. I could constrain my sample points such that they are required to stay within a certain norm distance of a point used to construct the gp. I tried something like:

     point_dist = pm.Deterministic('_distance_',tt.min([(params_ - xn).norm(len(params_)) for xn in X]))
     parameter_bounds = pm.Normal('_distance_params_',\

    but this didn’t seem to fix the problem which I understand since the distribution isn’t truly bound. Does anyone see how I could use my computed distance point_dist and only assign it a non-zero probability if it is less than some value?

  2. Is there a way to implement a Gaussian process such that the gradient stays constant once it exits the region of support? Maybe I could do this with changepoints somehow?