I’m working with weibull distributed survival data and using DensityDist with a custom log-likelihood function to account for censoring - how do I go about calculating WAIC or LOO properly?
I get the following issue when trying to calculate WAIC for instance (and the SE of the estimate I get is 0.0)
There has been a warning during the calculation. Please check the results.
Here’s the model structure
def weibull_censored_logp(k, lambd, E, T):
# PDF of Weibull: k / lambda * (x / lambda)^(k-1) * exp(-(t / lambda)^k)
LL_observed = pm.math.log(k) - pm.math.log(lambd) + (k-1)*(pm.math.log(T) - pm.math.log(lambd)) - (T/lambd)**k
# CDF of Weibull: 1 - exp(-(t / lambda)^k)
# SF (survival fxn) = C * 1-CDF
LL_censored = -(T/lambd)**k
# We need to implement the likelihood using pm.Potential
logp = E * LL_observed + (1 - E) * LL_censored
return logp.sum()
with pm.Model() as m1b:
# hyperpriors
k_mu = pm.Normal("k_mu", -0.806, .113)
k_sd = pm.TruncatedNormal("k_sd", 3.5, .5, lower=0)
lam_mu = pm.Normal("lam_mu", 1.24, .15)
lam_sd = pm.TruncatedNormal("lam_sd", 0.7, .1, lower=0)
# style level parameters
k = pm.Lognormal('k', mu=pm.math.exp(k_mu), sd=k_sd, shape=len(s_labels)) # Weak prior for k
lambd = pm.Lognormal('lambd', pm.math.exp(lam_mu), lam_sd, shape=len(s_labels)) # Weak prior
# likelihood
weibull_surv = pm.DensityDist(
observed={"k":k[s_], "lambd":lambd[s_], "E":E, "T":T}
The effective sample size and rhat of parameters are quite good, and the model fits fairly quick so I dont think there are any major misspecifications
Any ideas on calculating WAIC/LOO properly?