Memory error when going from Spyder to Jupyter Notebook


I am building a time series prediction model using Pymc3. The model was comprehensively tested on Spyder, but when migrated to Jupyter Notebook the following error is raised: OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

Below are the relevant section of the code. Any feedback is welcomed.

#%% Model definition
basic_model = pm.Model()
samplesPerYear = 23 #Number of datapoints per year
sigma_err_prior = 1/0.05 #Estimate of EVI error variance
dummyData = np.zeros([0])
shared_data = T.shared(dummyData, borrow=True) #Sahred data definition - Theano

#%% Model definition
with basic_model:
        ## prior for 15-day EVI, U(0-1)
        x = pm.Uniform("x", 0, 1, shape=samplesPerYear)
        x = Tensor.cast(x, 'float64') #required for theano
        ## prior for observation process, Exp(sigma_err_prior)
        sigma_err = pm.Exponential("sigma_err", sigma_err_prior)

        @T.compile.ops.as_op(itypes=[Tensor.dvector],otypes=[Tensor.dvector]) #original
        def loredo(x = x, profile=True):
            L = shared_data.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
            out = np.zeros(L)
            k = 0
            while True:
                if (k+1)*samplesPerYear < L:
                    out[k*samplesPerYear:(k+1)*samplesPerYear] = x[0:samplesPerYear]
                    k = k+1
                    diff = (k+1)*samplesPerYear - L
                    out[k*samplesPerYear:(k+1)*samplesPerYear-diff] = x[0:samplesPerYear-diff]
            return out  
        loredo.grad = lambda *y: y[0]  # Here's the klutz, llama al grad pero es un bug
        loredo.shape = shared_data.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]    
        ## likelihood
        observation = pm.Normal("obs", mu=loredo(x), tau=1/sigma_err, observed=shared_data)

Problem occurred during compilation with the command line below:

/home/tele/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++ -shared -g -O3 -fno-math-errno -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-write-strings -march=haswell -mmmx -mno-3dnow -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -mno-sse4a -mcx16 -msahf -mmovbe -maes -mno-sha -mpclmul -mpopcnt -mabm -mno-lwp -mfma -mno-fma4 -mno-xop -mbmi -mno-sgx -mbmi2 -mno-tbm -mavx -mavx2 -msse4.2 -msse4.1 -mlzcnt -mno-rtm -mno-hle -mrdrnd -mf16c -mfsgsbase -mno-rdseed -mno-prfchw -mno-adx -mfxsr -mxsave -mxsaveopt -mno-avx512f -mno-avx512er -mno-avx512cd -mno-avx512pf -mno-prefetchwt1 -mno-clflushopt -mno-xsavec -mno-xsaves -mno-avx512dq -mno-avx512bw -mno-avx512vl -mno-avx512ifma -mno-avx512vbmi -mno-avx5124fmaps -mno-avx5124vnniw -mno-clwb -mno-mwaitx -mno-clzero -mno-pku -mno-rdpid --param l1-cache-size=32 --param l1-cache-line-size=64 --param l2-cache-size=6144 -mtune=haswell -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION -m64 -fPIC -I/home/tele/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/home/tele/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/include/python3.6m -I/home/tele/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/c_code -L/home/tele/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib -fvisibility=hidden -o /home/tele/.theano/compiledir_Linux-4.15--generic-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid-x86_64-3.6.4-64/tmp67xjcwqf/ /home/tele/.theano/compiledir_Linux-4.15--generic-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid-x86_64-3.6.4-64/tmp67xjcwqf/mod.cpp -lpython3.6m
ERROR (theano.gof.cmodule): [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-8c3ccbaccfd5> in <module>()
----> 1 procesarBayes(path_modis, deforestacion_chips,imagenes_h12_v11, imagenes_h12_v12, mascara, argumentos)

<ipython-input-24-fceb033adb39> in procesarBayes(path, producto, image_list_h12v11, image_list_h12v12, mascara, argumentos)
     90                     args = (series_evi[:,k], indice_imagen, indice_fecha_inicial_analisis-1, max_counter, nSamples, nBurn, plot)
     91                     print(args)
---> 92                     fecha = algo_bayes_pixel(args)
     93                     fechas.append(fecha)
     94                 print(0)

~/Dropbox/Deforestacion/VERSION_OPERACIONAL/descartable/ in algo_bayes_pixel(args)
    139     with basic_model:
    140         ## prior for 15-day EVI, U(0-1)
--> 141         x = pm.Uniform("x", 0, 1, shape=samplesPerYear)
    142         x = Tensor.cast(x, 'float64') #required for theano

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/ in __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
     39                 raise TypeError("observed needs to be data but got: {}".format(type(data)))
     40             total_size = kwargs.pop('total_size', None)
---> 41             dist = cls.dist(*args, **kwargs)
     42             return model.Var(name, dist, data, total_size)
     43         else:

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/ in dist(cls, *args, **kwargs)
     50     def dist(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     51         dist = object.__new__(cls)
---> 52         dist.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     53         return dist

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/ in __init__(self, lower, upper, *args, **kwargs)
    182         self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
    183         self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
--> 184         self.mean = (upper + lower) / 2.
    185         self.median = self.mean

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/tensor/ in __add__(self, other)
    126     def __add__(self, other):
    127         try:
--> 128             return theano.tensor.basic.add(self, other)
    129         # We should catch the minimum number of exception here.
    130         # Otherwise this will convert error when Theano flags

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
    668                 # compute output value once with test inputs to validate graph
    669                 thunk = node.op.make_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map,
--> 670                                            no_recycling=[])
    671                 thunk.inputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.inputs]
    672                 thunk.outputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.outputs]

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in make_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling, impl)
    953             try:
    954                 return self.make_c_thunk(node, storage_map, compute_map,
--> 955                                          no_recycling)
    956             except (NotImplementedError, utils.MethodNotDefined):
    957                 # We requested the c code, so don't catch the error.

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in make_c_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling)
    856         _logger.debug('Trying CLinker.make_thunk')
    857         outputs = cl.make_thunk(input_storage=node_input_storage,
--> 858                                 output_storage=node_output_storage)
    859         thunk, node_input_filters, node_output_filters = outputs

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in make_thunk(self, input_storage, output_storage, storage_map, keep_lock)
   1215         cthunk, module, in_storage, out_storage, error_storage = self.__compile__(
   1216             input_storage, output_storage, storage_map,
-> 1217             keep_lock=keep_lock)
   1219         res = _CThunk(cthunk, init_tasks, tasks, error_storage, module)

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in __compile__(self, input_storage, output_storage, storage_map, keep_lock)
   1155                                             output_storage,
   1156                                             storage_map,
-> 1157                                             keep_lock=keep_lock)
   1158         return (thunk,
   1159                 module,

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in cthunk_factory(self, error_storage, in_storage, out_storage, storage_map, keep_lock)
   1618                 node.op.prepare_node(node, storage_map, None, 'c')
   1619             module = get_module_cache().module_from_key(
-> 1620                 key=key, lnk=self, keep_lock=keep_lock)
   1622         vars = self.inputs + self.outputs + self.orphans

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in module_from_key(self, key, lnk, keep_lock)
   1179             try:
   1180                 location = dlimport_workdir(self.dirname)
-> 1181                 module = lnk.compile_cmodule(location)
   1182                 name = module.__file__
   1183                 assert name.startswith(location)

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in compile_cmodule(self, location)
   1521                 lib_dirs=self.lib_dirs(),
   1522                 libs=libs,
-> 1523                 preargs=preargs)
   1524         except Exception as e:
   1525             e.args += (str(self.fgraph),)

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/ in compile_str(module_name, src_code, location, include_dirs, lib_dirs, libs, preargs, py_module, hide_symbols)
   2345         try:
-> 2346             p_out = output_subprocess_Popen(cmd)
   2347             compile_stderr = decode(p_out[1])
   2348         except Exception:

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/misc/ in output_subprocess_Popen(command, **params)
     75     params['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
     76     params['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
---> 77     p = subprocess_Popen(command, **params)
     78     # we need to use communicate to make sure we don't deadlock around
     79     # the stdout/stderr pipe.

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/misc/ in subprocess_Popen(command, **params)
     42     try:
---> 43         proc = subprocess.Popen(command, startupinfo=startupinfo, **params)
     44     finally:
     45         if stdin is not None:

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/ in __init__(self, args, bufsize, executable, stdin, stdout, stderr, preexec_fn, close_fds, shell, cwd, env, universal_newlines, startupinfo, creationflags, restore_signals, start_new_session, pass_fds, encoding, errors)
    707                                 c2pread, c2pwrite,
    708                                 errread, errwrite,
--> 709                                 restore_signals, start_new_session)
    710         except:
    711             # Cleanup if the child failed starting.

~/miniconda2/envs/deforestacion3/lib/python3.6/ in _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, pass_fds, cwd, env, startupinfo, creationflags, shell, p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite, errread, errwrite, restore_signals, start_new_session)
   1273                             errread, errwrite,
   1274                             errpipe_read, errpipe_write,
-> 1275                             restore_signals, start_new_session, preexec_fn)
   1276                     self._child_created = True
   1277                 finally:

OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory